The Cat Came Back


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
Marysville KS
Recently I've been seeing a cat "scouting" out the chicken run. And just now in the last two days i've found huge amounts of feathers from two different chickens in the grass. I know it was a cat because every night when i put the chickens in he is making his way for the coop and then we scare him off. The Barred Plymouth Rock looked fine but the Buff Orpington got it much worse the next day. She had blood all over her head & neck and a few lacerations on her back. I sprayed a little diluted soapy water on the BO, but i'm not sure if thats enough to keep her from getting infections tho. So to try and keep the cat from coming back i've set a live trap by the coop until i catch it, and kept the chickens locked up so it wouldnt happen any more. Mainly just want any suggestions from anybody on if i'm treating the wounds right?? PPA! (Personal Preferences Appreciated)
Oh, I'm workin on it!
Hope you get the cat.I like to spray any open wounds with blue kote so others don't peck at the wound.
I haven't any injuries (thank goodness) so i can't help you there. If the life trap doesn't work, then lock the chickens up until he goes away, and take any other food sources away. obviously, you can't take ALL food away, since cats can hunt, but if the eaiser food is away, he'll move on. personal experience.
ive had them locked up for a few days, and no sign of the cat since, so i let them out this morning, they're used to always getting out and were tired of being cooped up... so hopefully it wasnt a bad decision
Blue Kote ? Probably a feed store or tack shop.

I thought I was nuts, but both of my roosters, at different times, had blood on their back where the tail starts, like something grabbed them. I'm thinking cat too, because I see one around , and because my cart is parked outside and has cat paw prints on the seat every night.

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