|~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

Happy Day!!! Is it the purple one? :)D
I had the scariest, realest dream EVER last night!!! It is even scarier then my dinosaur dreams...and my possum dreams...and my dinosaur-possum dreams. XD And actually, half it WASN'T a dream....

So. Mom gave me this bracelet...and it turned into A HUGE BLACK SPIDER. It crawled out of my room, up the wall and into my brothers room. At this point, I actually woke up, but I was still half asleep and thought that I actually did see a beach-ball sized spider crawl into my brothers room. So. I jumped out of bed, and, not getting close my brother's door way because I didn't want the spider to attack me, I yelled at my brothers to wake up and get out of the room before the spider did whatever-large-spiders-do-to-people-while-they-are-sleeping. Note: My brothers sleep through fire alarms. I was running all around the house freaking out trying to find a flashlight to shine in their face to wake them up. Lucky for them, I came to my sense before I found one. XD My brother did actually wake up and ask what was the matter and after explained we both went to bed... I really wonder what would have happened if I had found a flashlight....
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Yeah, it's the purple one. :D

Oh my goodness CG3!!!! That sounds like my mink dream!!! I woke up in the middle of the night (I had been dreaming about minks, cause Dad said that he had seen one earlier that day) and when I opened my eyes, I saw a mink run in my room and jump in my bed!! I FREAKED OUT!! Though I don't know why. I ran down to my Mom's room and she had to check my bed for a mink. XD XD XD

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