The cheapest and eaisest chicken waterer you'll ever use.

This will not work for everyone. For me, this is a great set-up. I have been using it for about 6 months and have noticed about a $5 per month increase in my water bill. When I first set it up, I also bought a digital timer that goes on the water faucet, that would allow me to controll when the water comes on and how long it stays on. I thought surely I would have to use it because of the cost and wastefulness of the water. So far I haven't needed it. As you can see in the second pic the stream of water is very little. It's just a little more than a constant drip.
That would be one muddy mess where I am at.

Why not just leave the hose running? Forget the angle iron.
There'd be a way to recycle the waste as well, or put a shut off valve like a toilet thinggymabob, as I've seen on here before...
Why not have a small pump at one end in a 5 gallon bucket and run the hose into the trough, the trough then runs into the bucket. This way there is no water waste and you could go an entire week without worry. You could buy a tiny fountain pump for about $8 and they don't cost a lot to run. cheaper that the well pump running all the time.

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