The CHICKEN MATH Contest- Who has the worst case?

I don't even have chickens yet and I'm already a victim of chicken math. I wanted to get 4 hens for eggs so I started researching chicken keeping. Then I read somewhere that you need 2 hens per person to keep the family in eggs. That bumped me up to 16. Then my husband and children got involved and every one of us were looking for different things in chickens. I now have 26 chicks coming April 1st and 12 coming June 3rd. I've already been looking into breeds I want to add later...
That is a very serious case. XD
This is fun!
I wanted 4
Had trouble picking and got 6
Raised a bunch of roos, traded them in and kept 6
Then wanted more and went to 10
Now working on rounding out the eggbasket colors.....babies in the garage
and planning to go to 13! Plus I have 2 mallards....
I would like to have more and wish I had a bigger coop; have already expanded once!
I'm moderate but it would be soooo easy to be alot worse!
I wanted 10 chickens last summer
I now have 5 brown leghorns ( had 5 more but sold them), 2 barred rock hens and a barred rock rooster, 15 rhode island reds, 8 silkies, and 15 broilers and 5 black australorps, 5 buff orpingtons, and 5 silver laced wyandottes ordered and arriving in march. And planning to buy 5 more barred rocks from a local breeder this Spring!
obviously I'm obssessed and my family and boyfriend are enabling me!

hmm 60ish!
Planned on 6 hens, bought 13 straight run thinking I would probably lose at least one chick and have some roos to go in the freezer. The end product is 1 roo and 9 hens and looking to get more this spring.

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