The Chickendad Chronicles

Oh yes, Paybacks!!!!
Of my 4 children, only the second daughter does not have one just like herself (I was very generous with the Mother's Curse) but then she does not nor will not have children. With 7 grandchildren I get to enjoy many paybacks, and the occasional sweet face time w/ the one grandson, just 6 months old.

Have Christmas at a kid's house this year. My son does T-Day and we do Christmas, only because of the tradition of having Mexican food. This year I will have two of the kids and families here, as my DD has spent the last year+ w/ us, but she will return to the Cleveland area next summer. DS is a naturalized Texan, his wife won't leave. I would go back to OH, except I can't handle the weather off of Lake Erie, had to leave the area 10 years ago, still miss it.

Have a good Christmas and both of you take it easy.
poor Mrs. Chickendad. Nothing can out brat a cat.
Hope she got her box cleaned out ok and the jewelry. (hairballs stink

Hope you both continue to recover.
Cats run back inside in order to share. They are making a wonderful creation, creative, artistic and they must put it in the most appropriate place so everyone can enjoy and experience the wonder of their travail.

Ask me how I know, I dare you, just ask me, or anyone of the many cats
Yes, I had forgotten sharing with the family. Not long ago, we came home to find 4 mice, the bottom half of a rabbit, and a headless garter snake all lined up neatly by the back door, ready for our dinner.
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Chickendads. We hope your New Year is full and prosperous, with health and happiness as well. Here's looking forward to hatching lots of little fuzzy butts very soon!
Darling MrsChickendad - you have been through so many trials this year - you deserve all the fuzzy butts you can get! Merry Christmas, dear, and to all those who love you. Caroline

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