The Chickendad Chronicles

Well done, Mrs Chickendad!

We were worried about you on this side of the pond!

Take it easy and recover and heal!!!!!

All love from over 'ere
Black Eye 2.0

Mrs. Chickendad’s surgery is rescheduled for February 6, so she has been spending the time moving birds and setting up breeding cages. The little Mille Fleur Cochin girls are being purified, and seem to appreciate having a hen party with NO BOYS! One of the little girls has taken over the duties of Boss Hen and she is quite domineering, giving sharp pecks on the head to any little girl who ventures too near.

It warmed up quite a bit on Tuesday, but the ground is still frozen and the snow that arrived on Monday had melted and was making mud on top of the frozen part. The Chickendads decided to move the Silly Wheaten Americanas to the Little Chicken Tractor in the garage. They had been living in the Big Coop with the Rhodies and Wyandottes, and the Silly Ameraucana girls had not been very selective in which boys they allowed to romance them. They appreciated the pretty feathers and did not care which boy they were attached to. When you are a Wheaten girl, you are just one color, so fancy feathers are just that much more attractive.

Last night, Chickendad caught and tucked the girls under his arm and delivered them to their new residence. Mrs. Chickendad was busy with the Sisty Uglers (more on that later) and arrived in time to capture Bobby and transport him across the muddy yard. Mrs. Chickendad had gotten about 20 feet from the coop when the mud grabbed her shoes and threw her down onto the ground in a muddy face plant. She rolled to one side so as not to squash Bobby, who escaped and stomped up and down in front of the coop saying bad chicken swear words. Mrs. Chickendad could not get up due to the slipperiness of the mud and her general lack of coordination. She crawled over to a grassy spot and waited for Chickendad to stop laughing before helping her up. Bobby chose this time to not cooperate in being recaptured, and Mrs. Chickendad could not see to help, her glasses being muddied. Eventually Bobby was lured into the coop and seized for transport to the new “Chicken Ranch”; Mrs. Chickendad gathered up her muddy shoes and tottered back to the house. As she sat wrapped in a fluffy robe, Chickendad pointed out that she had another black eye. It was true! The last black eye has just healed up, now there is a new one. Mrs. Chickendad will be so attractive next week with a black eye and a neck brace . . . .
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Oh dear! Dang mud and gravity! Sometimes I think I should wrap up in bubble wrap before doing chores. Explaining to non-chicken-critter keeping folks how the the bruising happened results in a lot of head shaking and disbelief. Hope you are not too sore!!!
oh my! i can so relate!! if i had a dollar for every time i do a similar thing- both hips replaced tends to make one more apt to the clumsies... i always wonder when the the chickens look in their wise way.... what are they thinking? Maybe we are inviting them to a dustbath???
Oh, Mrs. Chickendad, I hope you weren't injured too badly! We don't bounce the way we used to.
Good luck on your surgery next week!

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