The chicks in the mail!


16 Years
Mar 30, 2008
Or should I say the poults are in the mail... I ordered some poults last fall from Kevin Porter. I got the call yesterday followed by an email... They are on their way! I ordered them last August so it feels like I have been waiting forever. Not anything against Kevin, I didn't want them too early since I live in ND. I have just been so excited to get them since the moment I hit 'submit' on the order.

Soon I get to see their fuzzy cuteness and I can't wait!

I have Regal Red tom and some White Hollands that I got from Kevin in 2009. In January 2011 my turkey barn collapsed under a heavy snow load and one of my WH hens flew off while we were scrambling to move the turkeys to another building. After a few weeks, a major blizzard, and temps in the -30 F range, I finally gave up searching for her. Obviously she was a victim to the weather, lack of food due to snow cover, or a predator got her. Then in March a neighbor called me about a white turkey hen in her yard. It was my girl, and she survived a ND winter on her own! She felt like she was in really good condition, too. Last summer a tech from the state was here to test all of my birds for AI. She said she has never seen white birds that as calm as these guys are. Since I never made pets out of them, I have to give the credit to Kevin and his breeding practices.

So since I am beyond impressed with the turkeys I got from him before, this new batch has me really excited. I'm getting the Jersey Buffs that I have wanted ever since I learned of their existance about 15 years ago.

I can't wait!!!!!
I know the feeling! It was so exciting waiting for 'the big day' to come after ordering back in September.... kinda like finding out you're pregnant but then the long, long wait...... it was about the same length of time too.
I paid for the express shipping because mail can be really slow coming up here... last time I think they took 3 or 4 days and there were some losses. (I ended up with 9). I just checked, they shipped yesterday and at 12 PM processed through a sort facility about 4 hours away. I should get the call around midnight!
If you haven't gotten them yet, call the post office yourself. Mine got here the very next morning after getting the call that they had been shipped. The next morning I waited and waited and waited for the call and it never came. Then my post woman came up to the door and told me that they were trying to call me but my phone number was disconnected. (They were using a land-line number I haven't had in years) Porters did not put my current phone number on the outside of the box. Thankfully I was able to get down to the post office within 15 minutes and pick them up.
Well, after being awake Wednesday until 2 AM (Wednesday is my day off work, I work night shift so by that point I was awake for 31 hours), I went to bed and didn't wake up until 11:30 AM. My first thought was about my poults. I grabbed the phone and checked, no call. So I frantically searched until I found my address book to get their number (the number in the phone book is some central location that isn't even in ND) and called them. At first the guy that I talked to looked up the info and said the carrier probably had them. I was really upset with that, then he said he would verify. He came back to the phone and said they were sitting in the dock. Better than with the carrier, but seriously? I paid for express shipping, these poults were scanned in there at 2:08 AM and they were just sitting there at 11:30 AM?!?

I went in and picked them up, hungry little babies. If fingers got anywhere near them, they bit the fingers. I brought them home, one was weak (I was worried) but now seems to be doing ok. I love these guys! I'll try to get pics soon...

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