The China Study, Anybody Read it?

Yes, that is the "American Way of looking at it, though i believe other countries have surpassed us in meat eating habits
I wish I could be a vegetarian. I think it is a lot healthier way to go if you can keep your protein intake adequate. Unfortunately, there is no way I could give up meat. I enjoy it too much! I also think that a lot of the reported ill effects of meat on our health, at least here in the U.S., come from the way our meat is grown en mass and in unnatural conditions.

I read somewhere that a good way to look at it is: "If your great-grandparents didn't eat it, you probably shouldn't either." Of course, I don't take the advice literally. I'm not about to give up some of the imported fruits and veggies they wouldn't have had access to, nor am I all that interested in trying the backwoods delicacies my rural forbears probably dined on. (Grilled 'possum, anyone?) When money and local supermarket selection allow, however, I buy organic produce and try to stay away from factory farmed meats. I also keep a veggie garden (with mixed success), have in the past and will again eat both eggs from my chickens and butcher those I choose to cull. I see it as my attempt to keep my diet as wholesome and close to nature as possible considering that I'm not willing to give up occasional indulgences like gas station burritos and that nacho cheese stuff that's not really cheese but tastes so good.
Is the gist of sensible advice to avoid too much of one thing by proportion or volume? Westerners have enjoyed too much meat and dairy products and eaten huge meals and too many of them. I hold my hand up as guilty! Cutting out something completely can do more harm than good.

I find that I need less food these days but more fluid. Once your stomach gets used to less food you feel less hungry. Perhaps overeating stretches the stomach and it shrinks again with a reduced diet. Whatever the reason, it means that I feel safe to eat what I want by type because the quantities are smaller.

I've looked at diet fads in the past. Remember the F Plan diet? We had our own idea of what 'F' stood for and it wasn't 'fibre'. I concluded that most offerings were merely trying to sell me something, if only a book. There would be a flare of publicity, tv appearances, young ladies changing their diets and taking about nothing else and then - silence. Until the next invented diet comes along to earn some money.

I've invented a diet that's uses only a clear liquid. It's natural, fat free and 100% recyclable. The crystal clear liquid contains all the nutrients that you will need until you get bored and move on to another fad. Just send me $100 for a sample or $10,000 for a year's supply.
Ok, 2 hours later I've read that article/blog and I can come up with two solid conclusions. Denise is really smart and really hot.
Ok, 2 hours later I've read that article/blog and I can come up with two solid conclusions. Denise is really smart and really hot.


I just skipped through it is a few seconds and agree, especially with your second conclusion. Shame about her last name though. She should change it to something that sounds either French or Spanish. Or Irish, she looks a bit Irish. Definitely not Scottish, though.

This explains what I mean but some of the definitions are a bit gritty so it comes with a strong health warning:
Ok, 2 hours later I've read that article/blog and I can come up with two solid conclusions. Denise is really smart and really hot.


I just skipped through it is a few seconds and agree, especially with your second conclusion. Shame about her last name though. She should change it to something that sounds either French or Spanish. Or Irish, she looks a bit Irish. Definitely not Scottish, though.

This explains what I mean but some of the definitions are a bit gritty so it comes with a strong health warning:

OMG I had no idea about her name. Need to add that one to my vocabulary. Brilliant!!!
Ok, 2 hours later I've read that article/blog and I can come up with two solid conclusions. Denise is really smart and really hot.

After that comment I had to go back an look at her "about me" page...... WOW!!!!! That chick is HOT!!!
Well, I went onto the contact page and we have a dinner date lined up.

I won't comment on the name when we first meet, perhaps. Better to explain that over a coffee later. What do you think, chaps? Should I ask her how many Mingers there are in her family?

Is it safe for a chap to date a girl who eats raw meat, do you think? Why doesn't she show her teeth when she smiles? Does she have fangs?

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