The Cochin Contest! ~*CLOSED*~


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
Southern Maine
"Cochins were a world-wide sensation when they were first developed. They are credited for initiating the "Hen Craze"- a period from the 1880s through the early 1900s when people began breeding chickens for aesthetic, not production, traits."
-Pocketful of Poultry by Storey Publishers

Now these friendly, round birds are a welcome addition to any backyard flock. Come on, everyone- I know tons of people have Cochins (we hope to acquire some soon ourselves). So go on! Get outside and snap some pics!

1. Fill out entry form below. (If there is not an entry form to go along with your submission it cannot be counted.)
2. Please post no more than 3 entries, each of a different bird.
3. Most importantly, have fun and please be courteous to all other members. Happy posting!

Entry Form
Quick Story/Fact (optional):

5-2nd place will be awarded, as well as a Best of Show, who will receive the prize.

1. HorseFeathers
2. PineBurrowPeeps
3. Barnyard
4. jay1995
5. Master S.M.C
Stand in Judge: Chookies Rox

One ChickenSketch to Best of Show.​
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Entry Form
Name: Elvis
Gender: Cock
Color: Mottled
Quick Story/Fact (optional): The kids and I attended our first Florida Sunshine Classic (APA/ABA) poultry event in Jan '08. Nothing doing, but to come home with Elvis. HE is the cause of this unshakable chicken obsession!!!...which led me to by seconardary obsession-BYC!
Although, Elvis passed away a month ago, he loved bug hunting in my favorite flower bed--which is where I snapped this photo. Caught him in the act! Isn't he proud of himself??? RIP, buddy!

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Name: Cher
Gender: Pullet (hatched Aug '08)
Color: Black (Frizzle Cochin Bantam)
Quick Story/Fact (optional): This is my DD's favorite. Cher came to us from a hatchery as a chick. She and my DD quickly bonded and has become her favorite to use for Showmanship in local 4H events. I tease my DD because my son spends quite a bit of his money of high quality birds. She spent $2 to buy Cher. And of all the birds we have, Cher comes home with the biggest prizes!!
Never say a hatchery bird can't do it!

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Name: Priscilla
Gender: Pullet (hatched July '08)
Color: Black (Cochin Bantam)
Quick Story/Fact (optional): After our Elvis lost his lifetime mate, we began the hunt for his new love. Priscilla came to us last fall, shortly after hatching and quickly bonded to Elvis. Her best friend (since his passing) is Cher! Cher is quickly showing the ropes on how to spoil herself as a proper Diva!

Entry Form
Name: Pueff
Gender: Female
Color: Blue
Quick Story/Fact (optional): I got Pueff as a setting hen 2 years ago. She went broody ONE time and wound up being too big for the nestbox. Haven't gotten a single chick to hatch under her! lol! So much for being a setting hen!


Beautiful birds so far! Can't wait to help judge!

Now, who can tell me the proper pronunciation of Cochin? I have looked at alot of them, in person, online, etc. I really do like them, but I have heard it said two different ways, even by people in the same show!
I have heard Co-chin and Cot-chin
Odd huh? I would think it would be said how it's spelled, BUT after reading the Leghorn thread last week Who Knows?! lol
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