The coop is done!!


12 Years
Jan 11, 2011
I'm so happy with the coop my hubby built! Its exactly what I wanted. Theres still a few things I need to do, I need a handle on the hen house door, the trim along the outside needs to be finished, other than that its pretty much done! My girls are enjoying being outside, they were getting stir crazy in the brooder! I'd really like them to be free range during the day but I'm a little leary, my ducks are out during the day and I've had no problems but I've heard that chickens tend to roam alot more than ducks. What do you think? And will they come back for bed?

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Yes. they will come back. Chicks put themselves to bed. Just make sure to lock up right away. Different predators hunt at different times though out the night.
Keep the hens in the new coop for about a week. That will let them know that is home. Then let them start to free range. They will return but it maybe late. Mine are late bedders and do not go in the coop until about 9 pm. If you start giveing them a bit of scratch every evening and calling to them they will come in when you call them. They love scratch and breads. Use the same call every day while they are in the coop , then they will come better when they are out. Gloria Jean
Amazing! It looks awesome. I like the roof and how its tilted and how you made the hen house with the blanks instead of just using a sheet of plywood. I wish we had more room where we could build something like that.

Its made of those suntuf panels, or something like that. I cant remember the name but Home Depot sales them!

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