The Coop we built this weekend...(critique please)


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Monroe, Ga
The coop is 8.9' x 6' the house is 6'x4' and sitting 2' off the ground
How many chickens can live here??

Here it is unpainted and windowless..


Where would be the best place to put a window(s) and how large??

I thought about putting a box window on the side and then maybe one that stretches across the back???
Any color suggestions? Im painting tomorrow..

(yes the grass is long. lol I cant get out there stirring stuff up while this ragweed is out. It about killed friday on my front yard...)
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I saw an absolutely beautiful coop on here (look for the Glen Cottage thread) and it was painted pale blue and white.

re: the windows, sorry i don't have an answer for you. not experienced enough.
Nice coop!!!!

As for how many chickens, I guess it depends on whether you are going to free range or keep them in the coop/run. That isn't too big of a run, so I'd probably say only a few birds (probably no more than 4), if they are to be kept in the run at all times.
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I just built one similar to that but I am putting wheels on mine to move around. I have 4 in mine right now, though others have told me I could house more. I probably will add more once I get it moved to the front pasture and they can free range from it.
I did put a plexiglass window in the back door and there is a wire window under the awning with some vents on the sides for air circulation.
Mine measures 6x8' on the bottom. And the coop part is only 3x6'. I have finished it since this photo but haven't uploaded the photos yet.


Good luck with your chickens. I am sure they will be happy to have such a snug place to live. They like to be well protected and I like your design.
Why thank you!!
I should have thought to put wheels on it like yours!
The boys built it sideways and when I told them to straighten it they couldnt lift it! lol
I would not put anymore then 8 standard chickens in there. Looks wonderful! You built that in ONE weekend???

What state are you in? Wondering if it's cold there in the winter? Did you insulate?
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Yup. One weekend. They started friday about 3:30 and worked till 8 (the time the UGA game started lol) Then started sunday morning abouuuuuuut 11 and worked till about 7.

I live in Georgia. It gets cold here. Few days it can get in the teens. What should I do to insulate??

I thought about painting it the color of my house (white with black shutters) but it gets sooo dirty quick being out in the open as much as we are..

Grey could be cool!

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