"The Crazy Chicken Lady"

Choco Maran

10 Years
Jul 25, 2009
Ribera New Mexico
Okay I think I'm offically "The Crazy Chicken LAdy"
I have about 50 laying hens right now. I just paid for and are recieving 55 more chicks on the 17th. Does this make me crazy? My husband and I do so love our chickens. We are getting EE, sliver lace, Gold lace, Columbian Wyn., Buff OP, and white op. We get an average of 40 eggs a day and never have eggs left over on saturday. Oh yeah did I mention we also have four dogs, three cats, and Six horses.

We are now buliding a new coop for the new ones. If I can figure out to get pictures on the site I will get picture when it is done. Coop is going to be 12x12 with a 12x30 outside run, we are putting a 8x12 storage room off the coop as well.
I say, "Go, Go, Go Crazy Chicken Lady"!
Enjoy your chickens! I bet there are people out there with more than that so I don't think you have anything to worry about.


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