The Critter Corner: An Animal Art Teespring Shop

@CHlCKEN Speckled Sussex is up!!
Finished Speckled Sussex.png
I have started a Teespring shop called The Critter Corner, featuring designs of many animals generally kept as pets, such as chickens, cats, dogs, fish, snakes, etc.
I currently have designs listed for:
White Leghorn Hen (link)
Exchequer Leghorn Hen (link)
Rhode Island Red Hen (link)
Ball Python (link)
Cockatiel (link)
Bernese Mountain Dog (link)
Caramel Labradoodle (link)
Bernedoodle (link)
Black Cat (link)
Chocolate Labradoodle (link)
Isabella Leghorn Rooster (link)
Speckled Sussex (link)

Finished Designs that need to be listed:
Yellow Labrador Retriever

Designs in Progress:
White Leghorn Rooster
Malay Rooster
Great Pyrenees
Malay Hen
Barred Rock Hen
Golden Retriever
Chocolate Labrador Retriever
Black Labrador Retriever
Siamese Cat
Light Sussex
Rhode Island White
Cream Teacup Pomeranian
Orange Teacup Pomeranian
Applehead Chihuahua
Tabby Cat
Silver Tabby Cat
Creamsicle Colored Cat
White Cat
Tuxedo Mouse

On my To Add List: (these don't go in order, I do whichever I feel like lol)
German Shorthaired Pointer
Maine Coon Cat
Red Eared Slider Turtle
Betta Fish
Leopard Gecko
Border Collie
Old English Game Bantam
Salmon Faverolle
Calico Cat
Easter Egger

I have tried to price these reasonably (Teespring is like 'Most people price this T-shirt at $30 and get $20 of profit' and I'm like 'uuuuuuuuuuh no thanks')
Each design is available on T-shirts, Hoodies, Sweatpants, Masks, Phone Cases, Pencil Cases, Tote Bags, and Stickers.

Put requests in the thread and I'll draw them! I really appreciate anyone that orders anything! Currently, all money is going back into caring for my animals. I'm trying to get some expensive hermit crab food.
Your shop looks amazing!! I love the sweatpants! @CHlCKEN I totally agree, I wish I had some awesome chicken stuff! Maybe I will buy some....."for a friend" is a good excuse...

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