The curse— RP

Name: Ash
Age: 19
Power: can draw particles of dust/ash from around him and put it anywhere (That includes peoples lungs.)
Description: tall with short black hair and wears gray clothing.
Background: lived in a village with his family before they were killed by hunters and he fled into the woods.
Personality: Serious, fair, kind, can be worried about nothing at some times.
Father: Kordalon
Mother: Fordinna
Little sister: Nefa
extra details you feel need to be included: He has a crush on Clover.
Alana's body swayed as the net she was caught in swung in the air, carried by the hunters. They had reached the village, and now she was being paraded down the streets, towards what the hunters called the court. They walked in through a gate into an enclosed room, where many people sat. "We found this wretched little beast out in the woods." One of the men said "What do you think we should do with it?"
The men discussed the matter between themselves and finally came up with an answer. "Burn her at the stake," One of them said. A trickle of fear ran down Alana's spine. She felt her net be hoisted up again and carried to the middle of town. A stake was planted in the ground and she was tied to it. Then brush and wood were laid underneath her. Alana closed her eyes as the crowd jeered and threw things at her. She knew that she was about to die.
Alana's body swayed as the net she was caught in swung in the air, carried by the hunters. They had reached the village, and now she was being paraded down the streets, towards what the hunters called the court. They walked in through a gate into an enclosed room, where many people sat. "We found this wretched little beast out in the woods." One of the men said "What do you think we should do with it?"
The men discussed the matter between themselves and finally came up with an answer. "Burn her at the stake," One of them said. A trickle of fear ran down Alana's spine. She felt her net be hoisted up again and carried to the middle of town. A stake was planted in the ground and she was tied to it. Then brush and wood were laid underneath her. Alana closed her eyes as the crowd jeered and threw things at her. She knew that she was about to die.
(do you want her to die? I won't send anyone to rescue her if you want her to. Unless the person i send dies too. (which would be Ice)

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