The curse— RP

(anyways,) Clover woke up with the world spinning around her. an aching pain in her arm. She opened her eyes slowly and then closed them, exhausted. She slipped back into the place between consciousness and unconsciousness.
Ashling continued to search and eventually caught the noise of sobbing. She walked in that direction and came upon a young girl crying over a doll with a missing eye. "Umm...can you help me find someone? This is more important then a doll that needs its eye stitched back on."
Melani heard her and spun around. "I. AM. NOT. CRYING. OVER. A. DOLL!" She shouted, furry and sorrow mixed in her eyes. "I just lost my family, okay?"
Ashling stopped, surprised. "Okay's just a person is hurt, and I'm trying to find someone who can help...especially if they have healing powers."
Melani sighed. "I can help." She wanted to make sure that no one died if she could help again.
Ashling grinned. "Thanks! Let's go." They quickly ran through the forest toward the bird girl.
"Here she is," Ashling said quietly. "Can you help her?"
Melani nodded. "I think I can."

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