The curse— RP

Kosega dipped her hand into the water and was suprised when she felt rocks under her fingers. She jumped into the water and stood up, "Come on, Harzon!" she pulled her friend into the water, tipping the boat.
"AGH!" he yelped, but soon they were splashing each other in the water. Harzon tugged the boat onto the rocks and made sure it wasn't going to get washed away. Kosega looked around, they were standing on a rocky beach, she looked beyond the rocks and saw a field with wildflowers and tall grass.
"do you think there are humans here?" Kosega asked.
"hm..." Harzon looked around, "I don't see any, but that doesn't mean they aren't here. We should wait at least a few days before we're sure, then we can explore."
"in the mean time," Kosega smiled. "We can stay in that cave there."
"nowhere, you dummy! there is no cave! where do we stay?"
"in the boat i guess." Harzon said.
Kosega sighed, "boats. I'll be happy if I never see one again."
"I thought you said you like the ocean?"
"I didn't say I don't like the ocean. I just said boats. boats aren't the ocean! ok? boats aren't-"
"ok, ok Kosega." Harzon said, not wanting to put up with her rants.

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