The D'Belgain War *An awesome roleplay*

Bandit stared out at the early morning sky. The heavy clouds of dawn hid the sun, but she still found a reason to squint. Or perhaps she was actually narrowing her eyes maliciously.
Bandit puffed up like a indignant broody and tucked one of her feet into her feathers. She appeared to be the smallest, angriest, beardiest, and most not-pink flamingo there ever was. Which, actually, didn’t make her appear to be a flamingo at all, but that’s besides the point.
The puff that was Bandit stared at the horizon. It was almost like she was challenging it, like she had challenged basically everything and everyone else in her beardy life. She clucked a single quiet sentence under her breath.
“It’s time to go beat up some birds.”
It was a silver dawn. Hotshot woke to a world covered in dew that glinted in the pale cloud-filtered sunlight.
Sunrises were nice, but nothing was more peaceful than the undisturbed calm of a silver morning. Especially when you got to be the one to disturb it. His eyes widened with joy,—his eyes were the only part of his face that could produce any sort of readable expression, but I’ll tell you, he was also smiling under his beard— he drew in a breath, he savored the moment, he threw back his head, felt the dewy breeze on his face...
“IT’S MORNING TIME!” Came a joyful crow. But it was not his own. It was the crow of a younger rooster, judging by the high-pitched, garbled message that sounded more like ‘It’s mumbling time.’
Hotshot angled his head so that his eyes completely disappeared behind his beard and all you could see of his face was his righteous bearded glory. Who would dare to steal his thunder while he was performing the chicken equivalent of sun-salutations?
Another crow came from far off.
“IT IS MORNING!” He recognized this one, an equally obnoxious-sounding Ripple.
While all of the d’Anvers were waking up, Ripple and Stripes—he could see who the perpetrator was now—were having a crow off, often crowing in perfect unison.
“NEXT TIME, LEAVE THE CROWING TO YOUR BETTERS!” Hotshot crowed. Which certainly wasn’t helping matters.
Tango's vessels ploughed through the fiesty sea. They neared the Rhode Islands. "I wonder if the other fighters are here?" She muttered to herself. The dawn had just broke. Tango squinted at the battlefeilds. She noticed that another boat was letting Belgians disembark. "Great". She said. Hundreds of thousands Belgians ran up the rocky hill-sides of Rhode Island. They were all armed with multiple weapons.
(Are the d’Anvers already there? Did they move to the islands specifically to fight? I’m confused.)
Quill woke with a start at the crowing, cursing himself at not getting up sooner. He Flew From the tree He roosted him and summoned the D'anver Armies. "Today, we embark in an expedition to gain control of D'belgium and kick the filthy D'muscles and De watermaels from what is rightfully OUR ISLANDS."roars and cheering from the crowd followed. " Today we begin the war that will allow us to Remove the Ursupers from our island. Now, TO THE BOATS." a massive cheering and rushing to the boats ensued. Later, on the boats. Quill Stood at the prow of the leading boat glaring into the distance, hating the D'uccles. Sighting Rhode Island he grinned to himself and barked at the officer next too him, "sound the call to get ready for battle, We need to be ready." turning back to the island in the distance he noticed with disgust that the D'uccle boats were approaching the Islands too. Upon arriving at the Islands Quill ordered the evacuation of the boats and to start making fortifications and a fort to protect them from invaders and act as a safe place to plan and live. for he knew that just lake him the despicable leader of the d'uccles, Mango? Tango?whatever her name was, would not let them go on for long without a fight.

(sorry it took me so long to post things just kept coming up)
Quill woke with a start at the crowing, cursing himself at not getting up sooner. He Flew From the tree He roosted him and summoned the D'anver Armies. "Today, we embark in an expedition to gain control of D'belgium and kick the filthy D'muscles and De watermaels from what is rightfully OUR ISLANDS."roars and cheering from the crowd followed. " Today we begin the war that will allow us to Remove the Ursupers from our island. Now, TO THE BOATS." a massive cheering and rushing to the boats ensued. Later, on the boats. Quill Stood at the prow of the leading boat glaring into the distance, hating the D'uccles. Sighting Rhode Island he grinned to himself and barked at the officer next too him, "sound the call to get ready for battle, We need to be ready." turning back to the island in the distance he noticed with disgust that the D'uccle boats were approaching the Islands too. Upon arriving at the Islands Quill ordered the evacuation of the boats and to start making fortifications and a fort to protect them from invaders and act as a safe place to plan and live. for he knew that just lake him the despicable leader of the d'uccles, Mango? Tango?whatever her name was, would not let them go on for long without a fight.

(sorry it took me so long to post things just kept coming up)
Hotshot inflated and strutted to the deck. When he was far enough away that all boats were in view.
“Forward march!” he barked... (or clucked?)
Ripple trembled as the army marched in formation. He had very little training, as he had been thrown in the army last minute when he came of age.
Was the d’Uccle army bigger than theirs?
It was hard to see from the distance, and he had been distracted during the entirety of the boat ride, it being the first time he rode.
His father Ripple was a couple rows in front of him, marching with solemn confidence.
This soothed Ripple, and his fears seemed to disappear. He will fight beside me. Okay, that statement was grossly sentimental.
After all, he was Ripple, the one who always aimed a little higher than the other young d’Anvers his age.
The one who fought for—or usually against—the ladies just to get a little bit of their attention. Ripple was one of the boldest, bravest young d’Anvers you’d ever set eyes on.
And when I get home, I will be a hero. And they will all love me, Sally and Salami and Sylvia.
Tango watched her troops scurry and climb up the rocky hills. Their heavy bags weighed them down, along with heavy weapons. Tango went to go set base camp up. She helped digging the trenches and getting the hospital tents set up. Once everything was nice and prepared she walked to the battle fields. Armed with big guns, (referring to both her muscles and weapons) (Lol) she marched with her troops up onto the main battle fields. She, and the other 2 Belgian bantam leaders all blew into their cone-shells. War was about to start.

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