The Duck Thread

How is the lil one now Ren, I know it's risky but can you put one of the others in with it for comfort?

Much better today, thank you. The little booger escaped and somehow made it back in with the others. I've left him there. He's still a little off but is eating and drinking and pooping and sounds much better. I'm going to keep with the Tetracycline and Poly Vi Sol for a couple of days. This duck will definitely have a reason to hate me, lol. Unlike my adult ducks that I've mentioned before. They are doing better since I started sitting on the ground and making them come to me for their meal worms.

I put 10 Pekin/KC eggs in the incubator
Their last eggs weren't fertile so I'm excited to see what happens
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Much better today, thank you. The little booger escaped and somehow made it back in with the others. I've left him there. He's still a little off but is eating and drinking and pooping and sounds much better. I'm going to keep with the Tetracycline and Poly Vi Sol for a couple of days. This duck will definitely have a reason to hate me, lol. Unlike my adult ducks that I've mentioned before. They are doing better since I started sitting on the ground and making them come to me for their meal worms.

I put 10 Pekin/KC eggs in the incubator
Their last eggs weren't fertile so I'm excited to see what happens
Oh so thankful, when you didn't post for so long I was thinking the worst. This is great news!!! Be sure to add some probiotics to their drinking water After you finish with the antibiotic. As you know antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria.
How noisy actually are ducks? enough to disturb neighbours?

I have 14 ducks (why do I have so many???) and am surrounded by older neighbors, and nobody has complained yet. They're only really noisy when I go out to the pen, or something disturbs them. Other than that, they're fairly quiet.

I have quite a few different breeds. My Cayuga and welsh harlequins are probably the quietest, along with my runner girls. The cayuga's quack is sooo low compared to all the others. The two loudest and gabbiest are my Pekin and buff ducks. They love to "talk" back to me when I say something to them. My mallard girls and mallard mix are quiet most of the time, but always once during their feeding time, usually right as I walk in the cage, they will go off in a series of ear piercing QUACK-QUACK-QUACK-QUACK-quack-quack-quack-quack!! And then it's back to being completely silent. The quickest way to shut them up is to throw mealworms at them. Then they switch to their quiet happy little eating sounds lol.
Oh so thankful, when you didn't post for so long I was thinking the worst. This is great news!!! Be sure to add some probiotics to their drinking water After you finish with the antibiotic. As you know antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria.

I've been swamped at work and I was worried that next day if I didn't get back to y'all soon... so sorry. I dc'd the antibiotic and giving probiotics and electrolytes only now. O and of course Niacin. Little guy is still a bit slow and possible special ed but he's trying to keep up with the others. He's getting on top of the mommy heating pad with the others now instead of staying under.
How noisy actually are ducks? enough to disturb neighbours?
They can be very noisy. There are some breeds that are quieter than others but they all make a significant amount of noise at times. For instance, they can be very quiet but once they associate you with food then everytime they see you they will go crazy with quacking. Females typically are noisier than males. Oh, and yes it is enough to disturb neighbors.
My Blue Swedish has gone broody. She is sitting on 10 eggs
Her 10 and the 10 Pekin in the incubator
I might try to slip some under her from the bator so I do not have to go through hatching horrors
I've been swamped at work and I was worried that next day if I didn't get back to y'all soon... so sorry. I dc'd the antibiotic and giving probiotics and electrolytes only now. O and of course Niacin. Little guy is still a bit slow and possible special ed but he's trying to keep up with the others. He's getting on top of the mommy heating pad with the others now instead of staying under.
Sounds like he is making progress. So happy about that..
My Blue Swedish has gone broody. She is sitting on 10 eggs
Her 10 and the 10 Pekin in the incubator
I might try to slip some under her from the bator so I do not have to go through hatching horrors
What are you going to do with all these ducklings..

Hope your weather will be good for hatching littles.

Merry Christmas to you @Ren2014

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