The Duck Thread

Unbelievable how horridly cute this is. LIttle precious child nestled in your neck. Then the Opie-like pose on the quilt. EEEEEEEEEbeeeeeep.

I do believe Opie fathered them... the little horn-dog!

Beautiful Drakes all 4 of them. now for some females. at least 8-12 should do.

I couldn't tell the sex, but I agree, they certainly are beautiful!
Hello! wondering if anyone can help! I currently own 4 silkie bantams and would like to get a few ducks, I have a stream running through my property that I am sure they would enjoy! Although we do have fox problems so they would have to go in the chicken run when I am not supervising them. The coop itself is large (designed for 15 standard hens)
so my question is what would be the best breed of duck to keep with my birds! Thanks in advance.
If you have never had ducks before I would suggest that you do some really careful research. First, if you do get ducks, do not get any drakes (males) as they will/may try to mate with your chickens and that can be very dangerous for the chickens. Second, as indicated above, ducks are not very neat. They make a mess that only a duck lover can deal with and chickens will probably only get dirty in the same environment.

I have chickens ducks and geese and they are all housed apart from one another. The do, to a small degree, mingle when they free range.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do but do your research before you committ.
Well it's me again. This time it's WH #2. He hatched on the 18th. Was doing fine but then yesterday I noticed it seemed a little off. Not coming out from the mommy heating pad when the others did. When it did come out it just stood there. Drinking but not eating. I have it separated now and it is not eating; it just stands there and cries. At first it was almost a congested sounding cry but now it's just a weak wispy cheep. I'm giving tetracycline and poly vi sol. I couldn't find the poultry drench at two feeds store. I've offered it some cooked egg yolk and it is not interested. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I see.. do you think it would be possible to make the ducks a separate living area but still let them share a large run? (I would only like to get three ducks) Thanks!

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