The Duck Thread

In a inclose coop or have a protector animal like a dog
Hello, enclosed coops and two livestock guardian dogs.

They are beautiful ducklings.. Congrats!!
Thank you. I am surprised at how dark they are. I thought they would have more white
Here's a shot on a January, Sunday afternoon in central Texas..

The Fab Five enjoying a swim

And Bugs, still sitting pretty
I am new to owning ducks and was wondering the best approach to get them to enter their roost at night. They are currently in with my chickens because of the bitterly cold temps (-6) here in Wisconsin. I did build them a separate area under the stoop to the chicken coop (access to the right of the steps) and will transfer thmm overy to the "quack shack" when temps warm. Currently, every evening my 5 y.o. daughter and I have to wrangle the 5 ducks and physically place them in the coop. It's great exercise and a bit fun (more so for my daughter), but I'm sure it will get old quickly. Any advice on how to "train" them to go to roost would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Size of the 'quack shack' is kinda small, but what concerns me is I can't see any ventilation at all? Or is it vented across the other side? 5 large ducks in there when it's warm might result in roast duck if not... just an observation...
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@Ren2014 Yes that is Penny my Bantam Lav Orpington
She's beautiful! I have 3 LO's and am hoping for more.

So pretty, pretty country and green grass too. I can't believe how big the Fab 5 are
Thank you. OMG me either, Big Bird is almost twice the size of the others and they are too big already, lol

They may by time they get into adult feathers you know how much they can change. It will be fun to watch.
this is true, thank you for reminding me.

My Freddie is so handsome

Derpy wanted a kiss
well... Ok he wanted to come inside and he was trying to take my phone
He is beautiful! That's too funny.

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