The Duck Thread

I went to put the birds up tonight but neither of the ducks were acting the way they were yesterday. They are actually my mama's birds and she says they do it off and on. I will see them again tomorrow and video them if they do it. There were 2 doing it yesterday whereas Mama said she's only noticed 1 before. Thanks for your help!
I have googled this but to no avail. Can anyone tell me why female ducks tuck their tails under, squat as in pain and act like it's hard to walk, often flapping their wings when trying to walk? I don't believe they are eggbound nor do they have Marek's so are there any other possibilities? Thanks for your help
My two girls do that too sometimes, I found it's typically done for two reasons 1: They are trying to catch up to me when I'm walking around the yard (basically they're trying to fly). 2: They do it when they get excited and flirty.
What type of ducks are they?
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I also set some. Think mine are due 1-31-2016. Also have three hens setting on some.

What are you doing about humidity? I'm running dry per an article but it's scaring me to death. I've never started out dry.

I set Anconas on the 20th!
Awesome, can't wait to see babies.

I set mystery duck eggs on the 20th!!!
Mystery duck eggs, lol. Can't wait to see what you get

I went to put the birds up tonight but neither of the ducks were acting the way they were yesterday. They are actually my mama's birds and she says they do it off and on. I will see them again tomorrow and video them if they do it. There were 2 doing it yesterday whereas Mama said she's only noticed 1 before. Thanks for your help!
How old are they? I just can't picture the tucking under of the tail. Mine will jump up and down and flap their wings like they are trying to fly. Hopefully this is all your Mom's are doing.
@casportpony LouLou, Memory, Chicklet, Popcorn and MingMing were dry hatches.... Considering what the eggs had been through, they did well. Why are you running a dry hatch? Pure curiosity. I did it to try to help prevent a bacterial issue.
I believe they are khaki campbells....mallard and indian runner mix??? one is a year old, the other is 3 yrs old and the tail is actually tucked down towards the ground. they will walk very slowly, dragging their tales and sometimes just stop like they are hurt. if i go near them, they will try to run away but it's hard for them to run w/ their tales like that so they end up dragging their tales and flapping their wings like something's wrong. if they do it again i will video why i didn't think of that yesterday when i saw it.

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