The Duck Thread

I have three 6 month old pekins and I only give them food when I put them to bed. Is this ok to be doing or should they have feed available through out the day? Also I weighed them a couple months ago and the girls were 6 lbs and my drake was 8 lbs is that ok? they seemed to have also gotten fatter, maybe 1-2 more pounds on each since then. I'm gonna weigh them again tomorrow I think.
Just curious.

Thanks for the help!
I have three 6 month old pekins and I only give them food when I put them to bed. Is this ok to be doing or should they have feed available through out the day? Also I weighed them a couple months ago and the girls were 6 lbs and my drake was 8 lbs is that ok? they seemed to have also gotten fatter, maybe 1-2 more pounds on each since then. I'm gonna weigh them again tomorrow I think.
Just curious.

Thanks for the help!
Are the ducks free ranging? If so, then I think ok. I put mine to bed with food and water and then remove the food around 11 pm to keep the predators from going after the feed. They do have water all night but I understand that most remove the water as well. Are they laying yet? I have 2 Pekin hens they have been laying since they were 6 months old. 1 egg a day/duck!

If they are in a coop all day, they need food available.

It looks like you're in the cold weather, that may make a difference when they start laying. We live in Texas, it rarely gets below freezing. Tomorrow is supposed to by 65! We haven't had much of a winter this year.

Good luck!
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Are the ducks free ranging? If so, then I think ok. I put mine to bed with food and water and then remove the food around 11 pm to keep the predators from going after the feed. They do have water all night but I understand that most remove the water as well. Are they laying yet? I have 2 Pekin hens they have been laying since they were 6 months old. 1 egg a day/duck!

If they are in a coop all day, they need food available.

It looks like you're in the cold weather, that may make a difference when they start laying. We live in Texas, it rarely gets below freezing. Tomorrow is supposed to by 65! We haven't had much of a winter this year.

Good luck!
Yes they free range and no they haven't started laying. I also leave water in there at night.
Yes they free range and no they haven't started laying. I also leave water in there at night.
I would say you are ok. But I am NOT an expert. Maybe the "experts" will answer this. But I would say you're fine. My ducks have laid eggs throughout the winter (so far). BUT we do have mild weather. So far we have only had 2 nights that it has been freezing. I also leave them with water but they don't seem to drink a lot. My girls DEMAND to be put to bed around 5:30 or 6 and I let them out around 8. I heard somewhere that they will finish laying their eggs by 8. So far this has been true with my 2. There are always 2 eggs in their laying boxes when I go in at 8.

If they are gaining weight, I would say you are doing wonderful, keep up the good work! Enjoy!

A few posts earlier I asked if they needed water and food at night. We are getting ready to remake their pen and I will need to crate them at night. Since it is a large dog crate there isn't much room. I wondered if they could go without food and water overnight. I was told "no problem".
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I would say you are ok. But I am NOT an expert. Maybe the "experts" will answer this. But I would say you're fine. My ducks have laid eggs throughout the winter (so far). BUT we do have mild weather. So far we have only had 2 nights that it has been freezing. I also leave them with water but they don't seem to drink a lot. My girls DEMAND to be put to bed around 5:30 or 6 and I let them out around 8. I heard somewhere that they will finish laying their eggs by 8. So far this has been true with my 2. There are always 2 eggs in their laying boxes when I go in at 8.

If they are gaining weight, I would say you are doing wonderful, keep up the good work! Enjoy!

A few posts earlier I asked if they needed water and food at night. We are getting ready to remake their pen and I will need to crate them at night. Since it is a large dog crate there isn't much room. I wondered if they could go without food and water overnight. I was told "no problem".
None of my ducks have access to either food or water overnight. They are inside their house and would make an even greater mess if they had it. The have access to food and water outside all day and they don't seem to either mind or be any the worse for it. Others may have another opinion but this has worked for me for three years now.
Count me as one of those that does not put water or food in the house. Mine get fed at least twice a day and always have great water. I try to keep their bowls full all day but if I let the dogs out I have to pull up the food so they don't eat it. My girls let me know when they are hungry and start yelling and being as loud as possible till I feed them again. When I had pekins I fed them twice a day. Morning and night and they free ranges during the day. My current flock also free ranges during the day in my back yard.

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