The Duck Thread

Right. REALLY need some advice. I live in the UK. A friend of mine found some abandoned ducklings, he wants to hand them over to me to look after but I've heard it's against the law and you should ring RSPCA. Should I ring RSPCA or am I allowed to look after them? I have heat lamps/ect. Can get them food before they get here. I've heard of people taking them in and looking after them but it would be much better for them to be looked after and then put back in te wild (if ths possible) need a quick reply as he wants to drop them off this morning and I don't know what to do. Thanks in advance.
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Right. REALLY need some advice. I live in the UK. A friend of mine found some abandoned ducklings, he wants to hand them over to me to look after but I've heard it's against the law and you should ring RSPCA. Should I ring RSPCA or am I allowed to look after them? I have heat lamps/ect. Can get them food before they get here. I've heard of people taking them in and looking after them but it would be much better for them to be looked after and then put back in te wild (if ths possible) need a quick reply as he wants to drop them off this morning and I don't know what to do. Thanks in advance.

First of all he shouldn't have taken them in the first place. Their mum was most likely nearby!
You can raise wild mallards just like domestic ducks. Loads of people do that
RSPB advice on nesting mallards:
Where in the UK are you?
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First of all he shouldn't have taken them in the first place. Their mum was most likely nearby!
You can raise wild mallards just like domestic ducks. Loads of people do that
RSPB advice on nesting mallards:
Where in the UK are you?

I'm in Oxfordshire. I know he shouldn't have, I've been up kinda worrying about it all night. He said they were together with a few dead ducklings. I can look after them but feel pretty rotten about the whole situation. Might ring anyway and see what they say.
I'm in Oxfordshire. I know he shouldn't have, I've been up kinda worrying about it all night. He said they were together with a few dead ducklings. I can look after them but feel pretty rotten about the whole situation. Might ring anyway and see what they say.

You know, theres some people who rear mallard commercially and release them into the wild in autumn for hunting.
You might actually phone RSPB to ask them how to rear then in such a way that you can release them into the wild when they are big enough

These are my 3 week old Indian runner ducklings. 2 I hatched myself and the other is a fawn and white Indian runner I got from a friend. You would think they were sisters !

She is saying Hello!!! This little Pekin is very personable already!

Me just laying out and chillin' with the babies. Notice the two older ducks in the background and our "white" dog laying under the tree. She has decided that the babies are hers. She guards them when they are in their box and outside. You never know when one of those nasty older ladies might attack! Gotta keep your eyes/ears open.

Second day of fun in the sun.

At least they would have a chance at a new home if you got them then you could possibly find home for them . Bless you for caring.

In the next county over from us there is a lake and I use to hate to go by there and see the dumped water fowl it was heart breaking. Last week we drove by and there wasn't a single domestic on the lake makes me wonder what happened to them all. Hopefully someone adopted them. I'd hate to think the alternative.
That's my problem with going my the "lake." All those domestic ducks just break my heart. A week ago my husband asked if I wanted to go get a burger and eat it by the "lake," I had to tell him, "No." It was the answer he expected. He ate there a few weeks ago and it even hurt his heart. He apparently told some man to not chase the geese and to bring cat food the next time he brought his little boy to the lake. Go figure. I think he is becoming a Pappa Duck.
The reason I call it a "lake" is because it is more of slough. I would never eat a fish that came out of that place.

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