The Duck Thread

Oh so she's not a mallard? It will be interesting to see what she looks like when she grows up! 

Nope, not a mallard! I only have the one white one! I can't even imagine what she'll look like. I was just blown away when I saw yours. The were darn near identical. Right down to the wing bars!!!
Hey guys. My Sebastopol has been sitting on duck eggs for a while now - at least 15 days - but I'm not sure how long. I checked out the eggs today and candled them the best I could with the light on my phone. It doesn't work super well. Most of the eggs have a bright air cell and the rest of the egg can't be seen through at all. A few have stuff inside that I can see moving around as I move the egg, with some stuff always at the "top", and the egg is completely illuminated when I candle it. Which eggs are fertile and which aren't? How far along do you think they are?
Can you use another phone or flash light to candle them and take a photo of them. That might be easyier for people to help you.
So my Duckies are now about 8 weeks old and I have no idea what they are I was told the grey one was a Rouen, but it is a mix with something else and I was told my black and yellow one was a Muscovy and I would guess the feed store owner had no idea because it looks more like a black Swedish now. Oh well they are cute as can be and get along with the chickens and even waddle their little hinnies into the coop at night. So I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me their sex if its at all possible, I want to get more this time from a breeder who knows what they have and I don't what to end up with a bad ratio.

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