The Duck Thread


After a lot of research I'm planning to get my first ducks (Welsh Harlequin, Cayuga, Indian Runners). I have an 10 foot by 15 foot area on my patio which I am planning to turn into a duck pen but they would be allowed to free range in my garden when I'm at home. How many ducks would I be able to keep in this sort of space?

I have a 20x25ft pen for my 14 ducks, and even though 500sq ft seems like plenty of room for that many ducks, I personally don't think it is. They killed off all the grass within a couple months (and that was back when I only had 8 ducks). They produce so much waste and the pen stinks a lot during the wet season (now). There are some measures you can take so try and cut down on smell. It really depends on your set up and the type of ducks you are getting. For your size of enclosure, I personally would recommend maybe six at the most. You could probably get more, but that's just me. I do not like my animals to feel crowded in the least.
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So I have a question about my pekin girl. I noticed when I let my three pekins out in the morning the past couple days that she has been taking a lot longer than usual to come out of the house. So I thought maybe she's still laying her egg(s) but today I actually looked to see what she was doing because the whole time she's as quiet as a mouse. So I poked my head in to find that she is making a wall around the area where they lay and she was sitting on her eggs but then she came out and each time she doesn't go back in all day. Is she just doing some instinctive thing I've never seen them do before? Or is she going/gone broody?

So I have a question about my pekin girl. I noticed when I let my three pekins out in the morning the past couple days that she has been taking a lot longer than usual to come out of the house. So I thought maybe she's still laying her egg(s) but today I actually looked to see what she was doing because the whole time she's as quiet as a mouse. So I poked my head in to find that she is making a wall around  the area where they lay and she was sitting on her eggs but then she came out and each time she doesn't go back in all day. Is she just doing some instinctive thing I've never seen them do before? Or is she going/gone broody?

Sounds like she's going broody. Ducks lay eggs until they feel they have enough. It can be 2-20 even more! They only start sitting after they've laid enough. That way the incubation process starts for all of the eggs at the same time and the ducklings will all hatch at the same time. If you only want a couple babies, date the eggs. When she does go broody, remove the oldest eggs, leaving the freshest for her to incubate.
Sounds like she's going broody. Ducks lay eggs until they feel they have enough. It can be 2-20 even more! They only start sitting after they've laid enough. That way the incubation process starts for all of the eggs at the same time and the ducklings will all hatch at the same time. If you only want a couple babies, date the eggs. When she does go broody, remove the oldest eggs, leaving the freshest for her to incubate.

Ok. Thank you. Also if she is going broody is it normal for drakes to become super aggressive? When I went to see what she was actually doing and my rake realized he FLIPPED OUT. Right now I think there is about 12 eggs in there I'll go in and check and mark them today. Lastly I know that some people have had their pekins go broody and others have never had a broody pekin, so being that my ducks are pekins does that change anything? Also will my drake hurt the ducklings? If so I'll be sure to put some fencing around her area when hatching time comes.
The loose floaty ones probably aren't any good be careful not yeo break one. Without a flashlight it's hard to tell.I wouldn't toss any that you have hope for but the clear ones. When you say it moves do you mean it sloshes or you can see s defined movement of something solid inside?

I like.... Rolls with the egg. Not like it's moving independently.
Ok. Thank you. Also if she is going broody is it normal for drakes to become super aggressive? When I went to see what she was actually doing and my rake realized he FLIPPED OUT. Right now I think there is about 12 eggs in there I'll go in and check and mark them today. Lastly I know that some people have had their pekins go broody and others have never had a broody pekin, so being that my ducks are pekins does that change anything? Also will my drake hurt the ducklings? If so I'll be sure to put some fencing around her area when hatching time comes.

Drakes and ducks both can be aggressive when there's brooding going on!! Pekins are definitely not known for their broodiness, but, each is an individual!!! YES, separate drakes from ducklings. Very important!!
Ok. Thank you. Also if she is going broody is it normal for drakes to become super aggressive? When I went to see what she was actually doing and my rake realized he FLIPPED OUT. Right now I think there is about 12 eggs in there I'll go in and check and mark them today. Lastly I know that some people have had their pekins go broody and others have never had a broody pekin, so being that my ducks are pekins does that change anything? Also will my drake hurt the ducklings? If so I'll be sure to put some fencing around her area when hatching time comes.

Also, first time momma ducks can be a bit nutso!! They can abandon nests, and even attack babies as they hatch. Keep an eye on her!
Drakes and ducks both can be aggressive when there's brooding going on!! Pekins are definitely not known for their broodiness, but, each is an individual!!! YES, separate drakes from ducklings. Very important!!

Alright. I just went out to see how many eggs were in the nest and I found 15
so I marked them with a blue dot and anything layed after today I am gonna remove. Also if she is indeed going broody will she stop laying like a chicken? How long should I wait before removing all the eggs from the nest? If she isn't sitting on them yet I mean.
Also, first time momma ducks can be a bit nutso!! They can abandon nests, and even attack babies as they hatch. Keep an eye on her!

Alright. Well she isn't even sitting on them yet. I just noticed that she has been taking a couple extra minutes in the morning to come out of the house. Part of me hopes that she goes broody just because I think it would be good for her to have the experience of being a mom. I'm thinking though that she might not sit at all because she doesn't seem to care when I go over to the nest her and her sister start quacking but they don't do anything. My drake however saw me over where the house is and ran across the yard and started circling me.
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