The Duck Thread

So cute! I can't wait for ducklings. I have 8 in the bator and one of my pekin girls is sitting on 16! 2 dozen possible ducklings

The KCs are 8 days old. I can't get good pics in the room they are in. I'll be so happy when they can go in the barn. The chick waterer is hardly keeping up!

The duck run I made yesterday. 3ft tall x 12ft long x 8ft wide it also has 1ft of wire bordering the bottom all around with stone slabs on top. Oh and a roof.

Martha has been sitting on her eggs for 3 days now! She's been doing a great job not even a fox attack scared her away.
Not even a day old and already making a mess with the water


I have my first ever broody mama duck
we couldnt find her the other day and thought maybe a predator got her. But with a little searching, we found her behind the pool. We had it blocked off, but she got past the wood and brick barrier and dragged straw all the way back there. She started sitting yesterday and wouldnt come off the nest. Eeeeeeeeeeep!

So what do i do with a broody duck? I know what not to do, and thats bother her. She will be left completely alone. But do i need to provide food for her back there? Its a pretty tight fit. Will she get off and eat at least once a day?
CONGRATS! Looks like she means business. I don't know if you have rat snakes, etc. in your area but if so, I would reinforce the chain link fence with some bird netting. One of my Muscovies went broody this past weekend on 14 eggs and I thought another was going broody on just two eggs, lol. This is only my third broody. I lost the second and her eggs to a snake. I try to get food and water as close as possible. Watch her to make sure she does get off to eat. I have read where some will sit for days and have to be encouraged off the nest. Good luck
Hello,I have a 2yr.old crested duck named Crackers. She's lived in doors with us her whole life and doesn't seem to mind. Of course we take her outside to dig in the grass and swim in her pool. We moved in with a friend who had a bigger house and yard in September. In October she started sounding hoarse and lost her "quack". We took her to the vet who said she had a fungal infection. He prescribed medicine that we had to give her orally for 21 days. She hated it but the infection went away. Unfortunately I believe she has it again and I was wondering if there was a natural way to get rid of the infection. I thought we were keeping her away from the area we thought was the problem .. If anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated..

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