The Duck Thread

You're welcome! That's why I wanted to clear all that up, so that people don't end up misinformed
And ducks hurt!
After rereading this I wanted to correct a few more things. Niacin deficiency isn't caused by forced breeding of ducks (can you really even force ducks to breed? Drakes are gonna go for the females on their own, no forcing from humans needed), it's caused by, well, a deficiency of niacin in the feed.

As was already stated, swimming is good for ducklings in some ways as long as you can monitor them and keep them from getting chilled, but it is not at all necessary to fix a niacin deficiency. Correcting the deficit of niacin in their diet takes care of that all on its own.

As far as getting them to open their mouths, they may eventually if you play with the corner long enough, but it has nothing to do with them remembering their mother doing something similar. At no point do mother ducks have their babies open their mouths for them. They do not feed them as other bird species do. Plus, most ducklings these days are hatched in an incubator, as would be the duck the OP is talking about since it seems like they got it from Metzer Farms, so how would they be having flashbacks to their mothers?

And finally, forcing a syringe to the back of the duck's throat and forcefully squirting liquid in is a very bad idea if you don't know what you're doing. You could easily shoot the liquid into the trachea instead of the esophagus and cause the duck to aspirate, which is a serious problem that can cause pneumonia, among other things. Please do not do this without guidance from a veterinarian. If you want to open the bill and place the syringe at the very front and squirt it in and then release them so they can swallow (or not) on their own, that's a different story. But it's much easier to just put the niacin in the proper dosages in the food or water and let them eat it on their own.

I know the OP is unlikely to see this as they said they will not be checking back here often, but I wanted to put this out there so there's no spread of misinformation.
Thanks! I wondered about a few things. But I am not an expert, I certainly don't know enough to correct someone who appears to know what they are talking about!

@Pyxis sorry it took me a bit to get the pic and info, I kinda got sidetracked...

This is about the dark phase Silver Appleyards... there is also a light (er) phase that *can* pop up, but these are both very rare... most of the ones that look like these phases are usually mixes or assumed to be mixes unless parentage is fully documented and purity is certain...


Top pic marked A is the parents of both in lower pic marked B... said the male in top pic is heterozygous and they produced 50% dark offspring as seen in B...

This book is called Colour Breeding in Domestic Ducks by Mike and Chris Ashton... it's a great beginner book on genetics, color and down markings across the board...
Hi does anyone or can anyone give me a quick list of the key differences between Muscovies and other ducks? Particularly on their temperament and their meat?

Well they are quite different because every species of duck is related to the mallard except for the muscovie. So first off Muscovies don't make as much of a mess (particularly playing in mud) as other ducks. They also don't swim as much. And they are very quiet, they don't really quack. Also Muscovies can fly pretty well while most domestic breeds,
except for the mallard, can not fly at all. But Muscovies tend to stay close to home. They can also perch very well. Their personality compared to other ducks is almost the opposite. Most duck breeds run from people all the time unless handled often, and are VERY loud. While the Muscovie is pretty chill and laid back until you try and catch one of them, they have big wings and sharp claws and will try and resist you while other ducks you can just back into a corner and pick them up. The Muscovies eggs are different in size and color but still taste the same. Also they try to hatch almost every egg they lay, very broody. Their meat compared to like a Peking is very different. Peking meat is pretty greasy and fatty while Muscovie meat is not greasy and has little fat. Some people think it taste like a sirloin steak and they say it's their favorite meat. Also Muscovies are very hardy and great foragers. I hope I could help. :)

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