The Duck Thread

Does anyone know what kind of ducks these are?
They are cute ducks! Looks like Swedish to me, one blue Swedish and one black Swedish. But I am NO expert. What color are their feet?

These are my Black Swedish.

I understand they can have the chest like yours or mine. I was unsure mine were Swedish since every one I had seen had the chest like yours. As you can see mine are just speckled. But people on BYC assure me they are Black Swedish.

Well, I also have ducks, so I sure hope I'm welcome here
I just like to share my geese as well.
Of course you're welcome here! And no harm sharing geese pics!

I call my Calls miniature geese anyways, lol... they sure have the territorial attitude and no fear!
@Pyxis X2 OMG, what would we do with out you here
Er, yes. I've shared them in here before. There's not really a goose chat thread so I've been posting them in here. My signature also says I raise Roman Tufted geese (what these are) so I didn't think there'd be any confusion. Sorry if there was any!

As long as they are waterfowl I'm fine with them lol
I keep geese myself too
They are vermeer you different kind of birds though. Let not forget it.
I get slightly annoyed when I see articles about "feeding ducks and geese". Natural food of ducks is mainly insects, snails, slugs while geese eat ONLY grass and weeds

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