The Duck Thread

The best way to sex Lucky at this age is voice sexing. If it quacks its a girl, and if it makes a hoarse whispery noise it's a boy.
Thank you very much.. No quack yet only raspy sounds so far. The older males don't try to run him off but Dewy does and Lucky is very jealous of the other ducks...peacocks....chickens...Lucky wants us all to him/her self...Is jealousy a common trait in ducks or only certain ones.
Can anyone tell us just by looking the possible gender of Lucky? He/She is bout 8 weeks old. Thanks

Our rouen drakes bill started turning green around that time. That was one of the first signs since I didn't know what to listen for at first. Now I know voice sexing is the easiest..
Thanks for's been a small struggle. The pond is man made and was here when we a bought the property. It's natural spring fed and was...And may I highlight "was" clear enough to see our comets,kois,and breams swimming three foot deep all the way across. So after our babies made there presence known by mudding up the whole thing, we got airation system and its still not clear and we added the blue dye. And we've done some intense bottom cleaning .it us amazing wat some people will throw in a pond. But our babies have helped a o much by clewnung it up too. And the fish crawdads and bullfrogs give plenty to do all day. They are all put up in there luxurious two story "Quack Shack" lol.
and the indoor outdoor carpet is very easy to wash away the bsd poopy. They love it and they love the pond. I have to go out in my kayak each night to round em up then they know where to go.
Huey and Dewy our muskys love the top the most.. thinking bout opening up a syn roof covered slash top deck for them with roosting limbs.


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