The Duck Thread

our big guy has still been limping and just not even using his leg so this evening we soaked him again and took basically his whole foot callus(?) off. Not really any bleeding and no infectious type material but it was very thick. Here's a before and after picture.

We didn't have time to block off the pool before it got dark so hopefully he will stay out of the pool tonight. We have been having to put him in it the past two days so I think we might be safe. He was such a good boy during the 45 min "surgery" and 30 min soak.


It looks better. Hopefully this will work.
Any tips for helping ducks with anxiety?

We have bad neighbours who are always yelling and screaming and fighting and unfortunately the pond where our ducks live, on our property, borders on the bad neighbours. :( The neighbours had settled down for a couple of weeks in July and actually went away for a while. It was peaceful and beautiful while they were gone but unfortunately they're back now and back to fighting, yelling, screaming, etc. It's awful and after the peaceful interlude my ducks are traumatized by the end of the day listening to them. At night, instead of going home at bedtime, they're panicking, running around, quacking, and totally in fight/flight mode. I end up carrying them into their coop, one by one. :(

I have seen the police @ the bad neighbours place a couple of times this summer, and i don't really want to be calling them or bylaw over every little thing, because if something big happens, i want them to respond right away and not say, "oh it's just that lady who complains about all the little things all the time". And we also have to live beside them, and i don't want to deal with any kind of retaliation from them. They're just horrible and i don't want to antagonize them.

I was thinking about putting a white noise machine in the duck's enclosure to see if that helps muffle the sound of the constant battle sounds coming from next door.

When we lived in town, our dog had a lot of anxiety and i gave him passionflower tincture, which really helped. Can Ducks have passionflower?

Any other ideas?

Also, we only have an acre, which seemed really big when we bought it, but there's nowhere on the property where we can't hear the neighbours when they're yelling, so moving the ducks to another spot probably wouldn't help anyways. I was awake last night past 3 am worrying about all of this and trying to figure out what to do about it. i also have chickens who stop laying because of the noise, my rabbit had her last litter on the wire on the wrong day and i'm sure it was directly because of the neighbours, i don't let my kids outside when the fighting is going on so they've been inside wayy too much this summer, i try to plan my outside projects for early morning and late evening when it's quieter, etc etc, etc. it's had a huge, negative, impact on our quality of life. :( Not sure if there's really any good solution to any of this, other than moving away, but we can't afford that right now. I can see why the previous owners of our property sold.
Oh wow! So sorry that your lovely place has BIG drawbacks. Hopefully your neighbors will move!
Good luck!
our big guy has still been limping and just not even using his leg so this evening we soaked him again and took basically his whole foot callus(?) off. Not really any bleeding and no infectious type material but it was very thick. Here's a before and after picture.


We didn't have time to block off the pool before it got dark so hopefully he will stay out of the pool tonight. We have been having to put him in it the past two days so I think we might be safe. He was such a good boy during the 45 min "surgery" and 30 min soak.

It's hard for me to zoom in clearly on my phone, but it kinda looked like a tiny spot showed the hard piece of infection... did you squeeze his footpad at all to see if anything would come out?
It's hard for me to zoom in clearly on my phone, but it kinda looked like a tiny spot showed the hard piece of infection... did you squeeze his footpad at all to see if anything would come out?

I tried squeezing it and nothing. The post picture was after I had cleaned it with a little peroxide so it had started clotting. there is a kind of crease where it looks darker in the after picture and I did make sure to get up into it to make sure nothing was left where I had pulled the thorn out a few days ago. We will clean it again tomorrow and hopefully he will be doing better!
I tried squeezing it and nothing. The post picture was after I had cleaned it with a little peroxide so it had started clotting. there is a kind of crease where it looks darker in the after picture and I did make sure to get up into it to make sure nothing was left where I had pulled the thorn out a few days ago. We will clean it again tomorrow and hopefully he will be doing better!

I hope so! I wasn't talking about the dark spot though... it was a white spot right here...


Check there tomorrow... also, just fyi, sometimes it won't pop out if you squeeze it... had one that was anchored in and it had to be pried out with tweezers... it was hard to get out... :/
I hope so! I wasn't talking about the dark spot though... it was a white spot right here...


Check there tomorrow... also, just fyi, sometimes it won't pop out if you squeeze it... had one that was anchored in and it had to be pried out with tweezers... it was hard to get out... :/

I will definitely look for that tomorrow. I didn't really go back and look after I had put peroxide on it to clean it more, him and the DH were done with my picking. Thanks!!
I will definitely look for that tomorrow. I didn't really go back and look after I had put peroxide on it to clean it more, him and the DH were done with my picking. Thanks!!

I completely understand... went through days to fix my poor Cocoa Pop and my OH was not good with helping, lol...

Just wanted to make sure all little bits get checked... poor guy... hang in there, it's gotta get better...
:duc TWELVE?  I hope they are small:D   What kind of snakes?

I had one get a broody Muscovy:hit It ate her eggs and just left her.

O my, I don't know what to say.  Can you ask the neighbors very nicely to keep it down for your children and your duck's sake??  Good luck.

I have 3 Boa constrictors, 2 Corn snakes, 1 Olive python, 1 Hognose snake, 1 Milksnake, 1 Ball python, 1 Bull snake, 1 albino checkerd garter snake, and 1 Fox snake. The longest one is 5 feet.

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