The Duck Thread

Update on the little boy I rescued from the local pond. My girls love him!! Seriously since I brought him home they are even coming up and grooming me. Like I brought them the best present ever
He loves them too. Follows them around everywhere. Even goes in and out of the coop and pool with them. I thought it was going to be a chore to transition a new duck but it has gone over like it was meant to be. Not what I was expecting since I've read numerous posts that Rouens aren't good at accepting new ducks to a group. They even groom their new little boyfriend tho


Update on the little boy I rescued from the local pond. My girls love him!! Seriously since I brought him home they are even coming up and grooming me. Like I brought them the best present ever
He loves them too. Follows them around everywhere. Even goes in and out of the coop and pool with them. I thought it was going to be a chore to transition a new duck but it has gone over like it was meant to be. Not what I was expecting since I've read numerous posts that Rouens aren't good at accepting new ducks to a group. They even groom their new little boyfriend tho

So glad!
Yes, there is a top on the enclosure, we have the ducks penned, they have been penned up for about 4 days or so, and let me tell you they are P****D!! They want OUT!

My husband let them out today for a few hours, but they are spooked, they stay right by the house and do not go anywhere. I would be the same way if something was eating my friends!! I will continue to let them out for a few hours each day as long as I can stand there and watch them. Such a pain!! They look so pitiful just laying around instead of dabbling and catching bugs like they used to. So sad!
aww i feel so sorry for them and you i know my my ducks have a royal fit once they see me coming to let them out in the mornings im sad for your babies it would be hard to just watch them do nothing, they are so comical and i love watching mine!
i know
But the little black spot wasnt there before and since im new to this im a little worried.

Don't worry... take a deep breath and remember, ducks do this all the time without looking inside their eggs... ;)

Seen bits like that and ducklijgs hatch out just fine... as long as the embryo moves around and the egg doesn't stink, you're doing fine...
Don't worry... take a deep breath and remember, ducks do this all the time without looking inside their eggs... ;)

Seen bits like that and ducklijgs hatch out just fine... as long as the embryo moves around and the egg doesn't stink, you're doing fine...
Ok thank you
No, I have 3. I still have one of "the mob", the babies. I have the 2 adult Pekins and 1 Black Swedish. Sigh. Depressing! I was so hoping that since they were mostly grown that they would be safe...stupid me!

The ducks have an enclosure that I keep them in, but it is only 10 x 10. Lately when we let them out, they are so spooked that they are staying right by the house. Can't blame them! I have been staying with them while they are out. They seem to realize that they are safe as long as I am there, when I walk away, they follow. They have never done this before. They are in their enclosure by 2 since it is so hot outside, I just can't stay out. I have put a small doggie washing pool in their enclosure so they are ok, but they would prefer to be out! Oh, well!

We haven't seen anymore of the bobcat on the camera, we check each day. I wonder if he decided he couldn't get to them in their enclosure and left. I can hope!! Since I have been so diligent about keeping the ducks penned when we aren't outside, I haven't lost any. Maybe the coyote will leave to! But I WOULD love to shoot it, because it will return for an easy meal as soon as we let our guard down. I think it was grabbing them while they were in their kiddie pool asleep. The only ones that it didn't get are the ducks that tended to sleep on the ground, the babies (all except the black Swedish ducks) tended to sleep in their pool. One of the Black Swedish just died. Saw no wounds.

Sad! But that's life with ducks, I guess. But boy is it hard!!
I am so sorry I didn't know one was wounded and still alive. Your doing the right thing by keeping them inside unless your with them. It's just to easy for the predators to sneak up with out us knowing till it's too late. I am just thankful that with all my birds they have half acre fenced in to forage in but it still leaves them vulnerable since we can't cover the top but thankfully in the 12 yrs I have had water fowl I haven't lost one to a predator. I have lost some chickens to preds though and no matter who you lose it's heart breaking.

@MandyJ can you expand their area they are in?
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Hey guys. I got a few ducks and was unable to integrate them into my pre existing group of ducks. Their was a size difference and they were much older then the first time I integrated. Plus I'm pretty sure 2 were boys and my drakes didn't like it. I need to add a few more females still to balance things out. Do you think it's easier to add females then it is boys. We have 5 girls and 3 boys right now. I would like to add 3 more girls. :)

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