The Duck Thread




The duck breed i Pekin. Can't tell what sex. Does it have one feather on it's tail that is curled? If so, it's male. When it makes noise, is it a loud quack or a quiet hiss? The loud quack will be a hen the quiet hiss is the drake.
Good luck!
The duck breed i Pekin. Can't tell what sex. Does it have one feather on it's tail that is curled? If so, it's male. When it makes noise, is it a loud quack or a quiet hiss? The loud quack will be a hen the quiet hiss is the drake.
Good luck!

Ya he is a Drake he doesn't have curled tail feathers but he has a quit raspy quack his name is Donald and we got him a hen and named her Daisy. Thanks
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Yesterday and today was a busy day. Today's project was digging a duck pond I was going to wait until spring but I was bored so why not. I just took a section of the fence and started digging so idk how big it is or anything but I will get pictures tommarrow since it's raining I am hoping the water will pack the dirt walls will buy a tarp for it in the spring as it winter and before long it's going to be snowing so there really isn't any point.
For everyone who keeps ducks and chickens together how do you keep your chickens from getting in the pond and drowning? I had one of My grow outs drown in the pond the other day.
OOO no, sorry to hear this. Our chickens do not go near the pond. They free range and have the opportunity but they don't. I currently have 5 wko chicks running around and they are not going near the pond either.

Make sure your pond has plenty of sloping edges so they can safely get out.
OOO no, sorry to hear this.  Our chickens do not go near the pond.  They free range and have the opportunity but they don't.  I currently have 5 wko chicks running around and they are not going near the pond either.

Make sure your pond has plenty of sloping edges so they can safely get out.

I'm going to leave the one side with like a step from the deep section which tommarrow I might move the one wall back some more to give a little more room in the deeper section as right now I only have two ducks but I I might hatch a few so I want to make sure it would be large enough. I will give measurements tommarrow. Can everyone give me demintions of there pond so I know how big I should go? Thanks
For everyone who keeps ducks and chickens together how do you keep your chickens from getting in the pond and drowning? I had one of My grow outs drown in the pond the other day.

Oh no! So sorry for your loss.

I just keep the littles away, and since the pool I have is shallow they outgrow the "danger size" quickly.
This is the last question I think but does everyone prefer walls on there pond or no walls/ level to the ground? I would think that walls would help keep some water in the pond but if I do the walls then the ducks are going to just dig through the walls
Oh no! So sorry for your loss.

I just keep the littles away, and since the pool I have is shallow they outgrow the "danger size" quickly.

it was my roosters son I was going to use his as a replacement because my rooster is getting older and even though I'm getting out of my mixed flock I want to keep a beautiful rooster around that looks almost identical to my rooster Fred if you seen him you would understand. Thank you
Last day to nominate!


We are very excited to announce the Official Launch of Phase 2 of the BYC Award Program! Phase 2 isYOUR opportunity to recognize those outstanding BYC members that always enrich your BYC experience. Do you know a BYC member that is exceptional and always goes Above and Beyond in their commitment to their fellow BYC members and the BYC community? If so, we want to hear about them!

We are now accepting nominations from the Community for those individual Members that consistently demonstrate a commitment to excellence in one or more of the following areas:
  1. BYC Educator: This is a Staff awarded accolade. We have changed this award to reflect only the highest standards. Only those who adhere to the highest standards of knowledge and education will be considered for this award. While nominations will be accepted for this award, the Staff will thoroughly vet each person and only those who meet/exceed the Staff's high criteria will be awarded the Educator Badge. Nominees must, among other points, have a verifiable reputation of providing information more than just "common knowledge," assist members in a positive and courteous manner, be open to feedback without getting defensive, and should maintain their good standing with little disciplinary action for rules violation.
  2. BYC Friend: These individuals are just plain fun and great to have around! They are our favorite comedians and enablers; our most cluckative. They are always accessible to lend a cordial and helping hand. Their enthusiasm encourages us, their empathy comforts us.
  3. BYC Spirit: These individuals best demonstrate ALL-AROUND outstanding service and commitment to the BYC members and community. While maybe not expert educators, they are trusted Educators nonetheless, as well as Friends to all. They are dedicated to the BYC Community as a whole, and strive to help promote, support and uphold its values and goals.
  4. BYC Greeter:
    These individuals are our BYC "Welcome Wagon!" They are the members that are most active in welcoming the new members to our community, especially in the "New Member Introductions" forum. Nominees will be judged on a) How long they've been welcoming new members; b) How many new members they welcome; and c) The quality and friendliness of their welcome.

See all the awards here.

Nomination & Award Process:
  1. Use this Nomination Submission Form to make your nomination, and be sure to include a brief comment on why you are nominating the individual. Nominations with no comment and only a name cannot be accepted.
  2. Members may place in nomination a maximum of four (4) members per month; however, you may nominate only one (1) member per award category per month.
  3. Nominations are automatically forwarded to the BYC Awards Committee. They will validate and tabulate all nominations.
  4. Member must be active and in good standing in the BYC community to receive and/or retain awards.
  5. Members may be nominated for, and be awarded, in more than one award category; eligibility requirements must be met for each individual award.
  6. Members may not nominate themselves for any award; all self-nominations will be voided.
  7. Qualified Awardees will be announced quarterly and Badges given.
  8. The Awards Committee, at its discretion and by majority vote, may elect to reclassify a nomination to a more appropriate award classification.
  9. All nominations shall remain confidential and known only to the Awards Committee and BYC Staff.
  10. The Members of the Awards Committee shall remain confidential and known only to BYC Staff.

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