The Duck Thread

Hi Miss Lydia

Grit salt is simply very coarse salt that is not yet refined. Otherwise I should be able to use normal salt as well and simply mix it with the soil/sand on which they sleep. I will get a small sample of the salt first and see what they do with it, but any advice will help
@SnIPpY I wouldn't use it. They will probably eat it and they will get dehydrated which could cause serious health problems.
Merlin is home! The surgery went well, and the vet only did the right cheek. The left cheek is pretty much normal now. The vet told us to keep using the Baytril for 9 days. They did also show us how to give the Baytril oraly.
@RavynFallen @casportpony
Here is a picture.
Bless his heart. So glad it's all over now and like you said he's on the road to recovery Give him a big one for me.

I need some advice. I recently (Mid November) received three baby Muscovy ducks as a birthday present. They are extremely loving and friendly, but they are prolific poopers :)

Their little hiding hole where they sleep fills up with poop quite often, and I do clean it. But I was thinking of using grit salt as a ground layer to keep the soil more sterile and free from disease. Will it work, or is there another solution?

I wonder if you have enough space for them. 3 to 4 ft.² per duck is a general rule. Are use Aspen Pines shavings, I find straw tends to mold and have mites. I had five ducks, before the coyotes ate three, in a duck geodesic dome that is 50ft in circumference. With enough space the deep bidding process works. I have no smell and no slimy floor.
Hey, BC fam!
I'm adding three Welsh Harlequin ducks and 5 more chicks to my flock of 8 hens next month. They'll be in the brooder in the house for some weeks, of course. I know that ducks grow much faster than chickens and also need a bit of a different setup as well as extra niacin in their food. Any advice on how to setup the brooder to accommodate those differences? Also... any and ALL advice welcome regarding a mixed flock, introducing the smaller birds into the flock and when to do it, food suggestions, pond ideas, etc.
Thank youuuuuu!
Merlin is home! The surgery went well, and the vet only did the right cheek. The left cheek is pretty much normal now. The vet told us to keep using the Baytril for 9 days. They did also show us how to give the Baytril oraly. @RavynFallen @casportpony Here is a picture.
Awwww!!! :hugs :hugs I feel so sorry for Merlin, but glad it's done! :fl for a good, speedy recovery now... he does look better already...
Hey, BC fam!
I'm adding three Welsh Harlequin ducks and 5 more chicks to my flock of 8 hens next month. They'll be in the brooder in the house for some weeks, of course. I know that ducks grow much faster than chickens and also need a bit of a different setup as well as extra niacin in their food. Any advice on how to setup the brooder to accommodate those differences? Also... any and ALL advice welcome regarding a mixed flock, introducing the smaller birds into the flock and when to do it, food suggestions, pond ideas, etc.
Thank youuuuuu!
get ahold of Miss Lydia. She knows and is amazing.
Merlin is home! The surgery went well, and the vet only did the right cheek. The left cheek is pretty much normal now. The vet told us to keep using the Baytril for 9 days. They did also show us how to give the Baytril oraly. @RavynFallen @casportpony Here is a picture.
Aw. Such a sweet little face. Bless him and you and your mom for the care you got for him.

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