The Duck Thread


I need some advice. I recently (Mid November) received three baby Muscovy ducks as a birthday present. They are extremely loving and friendly, but they are prolific poopers :)

Their little hiding hole where they sleep fills up with poop quite often, and I do clean it. But I was thinking of using grit salt as a ground layer to keep the soil more sterile and free from disease. Will it work, or is there another solution?


I need some advice. I recently (Mid November) received three baby Muscovy ducks as a birthday present. They are extremely loving and friendly, but they are prolific poopers :)

Their little hiding hole where they sleep fills up with poop quite often, and I do clean it. But I was thinking of using grit salt as a ground layer to keep the soil more sterile and free from disease. Will it work, or is there another solution?


I have exactly the same problem it's a nightmare lol
I can't see why salt would hurt them I think it would be ok
They probably won't eat it any way and it probably tastes horrible to them so they would just spit it out
I use sand in my pen but it's gets putrid really quickly and the smell is awful
If the salt dosent work then maybe put plastic sheeting in the coop and when it gets dirty you could just hose it down I have to do that sometimes with mine and it works
Hope I helped
Good luck Tanith
My pekins have had enough snow, they come out to feed and get fresh water and then bundle back inside. I'm still collecting an egg or two a day but overall they remain unimpressed with the great white north.
Next year we will build a larger snow and wind proof day shelter for them as the cold doesn't seem to be too much of a problem but the snow does (we've had 30 inches of fresh snow in the last 3 days)

..... roll on April ... or May ....
Poor things, I know I wouldn't be impressed with that much either we just had 7" and you'd have thought the way my flock acted we had 30" nope no way would I want 30" I love to watch it come down but after a few days it turns to ice and boy is it hard to walk on.

Hope spring arrives early in N. Michigan
PS How in the world do the walk in 30" ? of course if they come out just to eat and drink they aren't are they. Mine had trouble with their short legs walking in the 7". lol
Thank you very much Tanith :)
What is grit grit salt. Not only will they eat it if it's small pieces but if it's sharp they will cut their feet then you maybe dealing with a whole new problem. I wouldn't use it. Best just to ride it out with shavings the kind they sell for horse bedding. That way you can clean it out or clean out the poop and add fresh as often as needed and with ducklings that is often. Messy ducklings is just part of the joy of having them lol. @SnIPpY and
Welcome to BYC you 2
Hi Miss Lydia

Grit salt is simply very coarse salt that is not yet refined. Otherwise I should be able to use normal salt as well and simply mix it with the soil/sand on which they sleep. I will get a small sample of the salt first and see what they do with it, but any advice will help
Merlin is home! The surgery went well, and the vet only did the right cheek. The left cheek is pretty much normal now. The vet told us to keep using the Baytril for 9 days. They did also show us how to give the Baytril oraly.
@RavynFallen @casportpony
Here is a picture.
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