The Duck Thread

I have a question The feathers of my ducks are falling but I dont know if this is normal because I consider its too much. I even thought one day when I went to feed them that they were eaten. Its hot in Florida right now so I dont know if is related. Thanks for any help.

How is you Molt going my yard looks like a pillow fight took place out there

The goslings are pulling out the loose feathers ....

With 7 adult geese and a hand full of ducks it is a mess right now
don't worry as it is normal for all the wing feathers to fall out but
if they are going bald that is something different .....

How is you Molt going my yard looks like a pillow fight took place out there :lau The goslings are pulling out the loose feathers .... With 7 adult geese and a hand full of ducks it is a mess right now don't worry as it is normal for all the wing feathers to fall out but if they are going bald that is something different ..... gander007 :old
My yard is full of feather right now too. Some of my chickens and 2 African geese are molting right now! I bet my yard is as bad as yours!
My call duck has been setting her eggs for a while now, I've lost count, and I went to check on her I found flies all around. I checked her over and she was fine, but I look at her nest and there were 4 green eggs that had been previously been white. Are they wrotten? I candled them but all I saw was the air pocket surrounded by black. Couldn't see through the egg what-so-ever. Thanks
So today it was about 98 and extremely humid where I live. I was repairing my ducks shade pavilion from a wind storm so they had no shade today. I went out this evening to check on them and they seem normal, except there are feathers everywhere. I did not think runners molted, or could it be because of the heat and no shade? Also for future reference can somebody list the heat related illnesses ducks can get and their symptoms?
Oh ya but it is so worth it after they molt and all the new feathers grow back in and wow what beautiful birds again ......

And the chicks seem to need something from the feathers as they are always chewing on them ....  

The feather shafts are made of protein so I think that's why they chew them.

I have 26 chickens, 7 ducks, and 8 geese. Not all are molting but enough are that I have feathers everywhere! You would think I had a sorority house pillow fight in my yard from all the feathers.
just thought i'd share this pic of my 4 duckies(and some chicks i'm raising for a friend) snoozing under a red bud tree in my backyard. glad the 4 of them have seem to have decided to become a flock of 4 instead of 2 flocks of 2.

HELP!!! I had a duck that piped the wrong end on Monday. He didn't make any progress after 24 hours, so I carefully without incident unzipped the shell, leaving the white layer in tact. Over the next couple days he started to make progress, once he got the top of the shell off, he rested for quite awhile, I just noticed he kicked out of the bottom of the shell but I'm not sure if the yolk sac fully receded. There is no blood, but a flesh colored bump, is that normal or is it an unabsorbed yolk sac?

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