The Duck Thread

It started as fun for the kids. When they lost interest I of course took over taking care. I love it!
6 Pekins, 2 Khakis chicks, and 2 Mallards chicks to start. I want to add some Cayugas, and some Blue and Black Swedish a little later.
Any pointers? I've read the threads in here for the breeds, but it just seems like there's so much more I'm missing here :/

I have a Pekin duck and a Cayuga drake. The Cayuga is feathering out beautifully. They both think they are either children or lap dogs ;) love my duckies and would recommend Cayugas they are great!
Hi miss Lydia! I had no idea what a buff duck looked like! In fact, like Julie Bird, I thought the lighter duck was a female until I changed angles and saw the drake feather. The mallard in the first pic had an almost burgundy chest and his head looked like a purplish chocolate until the sun caught it and it had a more blueish green sheen to it. The other mallard that showed up later had a beautiful almost royal sheen to his head when the sun hit it right. His body was almost a lavender/silver tone. Here we are in a zoo and I'm taking 15 pics of the ducks on the coi pond! Lol. I've official jumped down the rabbit, wait, DUCK hole! Next stop, crazy duck lady!! All aboard!
Heehee suzy4027, taking more pics of the ducks at the zoo. Sounds like something I would do. Now I am wondering too if my biff sighting was of a male too. Could have been. I only spotted them as they were ascending and the drake was obvious to me as male. The glimpse I got of the buff was only his or her whole back and wings. I wish I hadn't startled them and had seen them sooner.
It started as fun for the kids. When they lost interest I of course took over taking care. I love it!
6 Pekins, 2 Khakis chicks, and 2 Mallards chicks to start. I want to add some Cayugas, and some Blue and Black Swedish a little later.
Any pointers? I've read the threads in here for the breeds, but it just seems like there's so much more I'm missing here :/
wow, sounds like a.sweet flock you have got there.
It's been pouring here for days, and days to come. My chickens aren't too pleased with it but my ducks are having the time of their life lol. They got a new 6ft x 2ft pool today :) I'll have to take pics as soon as I can take my phone out there without it getting soaked lol
Looking forward to photos once things dry out there.
Tooo late. I've trampled into that territory in only 7wks. I simply can't get enough of my ducks. Especially my cuddle duck GreyFeather. He's the house duck in my flock of 8. If you scroll up you can see a photo of us as he had woke me to go out and play with his friends.

I spend hours outside with them and seems to be the main topic of my conversations.
Yay for you Reese7383. It is a big and wonderful topic.
It's raining here too. We got a break for a day and a half, but I've been doing things like, ohhhhh, field trips to the zoo! The DH is out of town, so I got about 2/3 of the lawn mowed before it started to do more than sprinkle on me.
didn't matter anyway, by then it was time to pick up more kids. Needless to say, the duckies didn't get their normal barrage of green treats from me. (No Cheerios miss Lydia, I promise
) I did briefly say Hi and made sure water, food & pond were acceptable. Went out in the rain at 8:30 to say goodnight and close the door since they usually go to bed themselves. BOY, did I get TOLD OFF! My daughter had put their stuffed animal back in their coop and closed the door. She forgot to open it back up and THEY WERE TIRED! What is the meaning of this?! I knew something was up when they both started talking to me quite loudly and pretty much rushed me when I opened the run door. It was dark so I didn't see the coop door was closed. Not knowing why they weren't already in bed, I did the usual, "night guys. Time to go to bed..." If looks could kill. Having figured out the situation, I quickly apologized and opened their bedroom door. They paraded past me with the teenager "we will make you pay for this when you're not looking..." stare. Sheesh! They are so dang funny!!! You can almost hear what they're saying. Good bad and indifferent!

Talking about all the different breeds... I love the look of the blue Swedish, Anconas, buffs, magpies & welsh harlequins. I love the personalities I hear about from the muscovies, Pekins and mallards. It's funny, the ducks I didn't necessarily care for in the looks department are now the ducks I can't wait to add to the back yard! Lol. Except runners. I know runner people love their funny goofy ducks, and I'm not hating on them. They will probably be our empty nest entertainment one day. But right now, between me and my 2 girls, there's enough frantic energy around this place already! And neither girl has hit the really BAD teen years yet. I couldn't handle anymore drama and dashing around. The DH would be trying to sprinkle my adderal on their food! But then, I wouldn't have any to take. Nobody needs to see that!

Our duckies


Their blue speculums are starting to show (these are older pics) They're such a pretty color of blue! But let's be honest... Have we ever seen a duck that we thought was ugly? And if we did, didn't it just make you want it more. Bless it's heart?
Reese7383, your ducks are adorable! Greyfeather looks like he's a funny dude. Most of my conversations are all duck all the time. That's why my posts are so long. No one else wants to hear it anymore! lol.

Lynnhill I'm with everyone else on your breed of ducks. Even the ducklings point to welsh harlequins. And I have to say, they are beautiful!!! They're markings are really pretty and clear. Gold ones like your duck with the bronze speculums are actually hard to come by here in the states. Quite lovely! Your drake too. Pretty boy. Can't wait to see how the ducklings progress.

Pairaducks, right there with ya.

Now to quit talking about and obsessing over ducks, so I can go to bed! Easier said than done. Lol

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