The Duck Thread

Any help with the identity? I bought him yesterday from a keeper who refers to all her breeds as ducks. Here he is:
Oh my, he's handsome!
I wish I had a pond with a filter. Once we move, and my toddler is older, I'm hoping to have a garden, pond, etc....
When we get moved onto our rural property and start setting up the farm, I'm hoping to have an actual pond, too. I'd like to use aquatic plants to help filter all the gunk.
Here's a question that I've never seen asked. I have different blankets and towels that go in my duck coop, I wash them in my washer and hang them out to dry. Since then, I've been taking my clothes to my family's to wash. Do u think it is safe to use my washing machine for our clothes still since I've been washing the towels and blankets with duck poop on them in it? My husband thinks we will get duck think if I run bleach through it first then it should be fine. Anyone???
If they're really nasty, I hose them off first or let them soak in the tub in a vinegar-water mix, then throw them in the wash and scrub down the tub. I have put our "pet towels" in the laundry before with no problems. I just add a helping of baking soda and vinegar alongside the soap :) I also agree with the suggestion of doing a rag or rug load afterward.
Here's a question that I've never seen asked. I have different blankets and towels that go in my duck coop, I wash them in my washer and hang them out to dry. Since then, I've been taking my clothes to my family's to wash. Do u think it is safe to use my washing machine for our clothes still since I've been washing the towels and blankets with duck poop on them in it? My husband thinks we will get duck think if I run bleach through it first then it should be fine. Anyone???
I dont think there has ever been a documented case of any one having any issues or diseases from laundry washed in the same machine as duck stuff.

Obviously I would make sure there is no debris in the washer before your next load but with any well functioning washer should not have a problem.
I used to shake out the big poops over the compost pile b4 washing, that is because I have an OLD washer, poop from 12 ducklings and I just didnt want it to have to work that hard to clean stuff.
Dont be too parinoid. running an extra wash/rinse with bleach is more wasteful than necessary.

BTW a few germs helps build immunity. LOL dont be afraid of your ducks, your cats & dogs & just normal garden soil we plant in often harbor more germs & dangerous diseases. -
Idk if thus is feasible for anyone else but I have my ducks/juvies kiddie pool out in the trees/garden so instead of trying to dump it I throw the hose in till it overflows clear ;) which they looooove to splash in and the extra water flows into my trenches and waters the trees, and I have a similar set up for the geese but their poppy water flows into the swamp grass in their enclosure which keeps it nice and green and tall for good gosling cover =)
Would rubber mats be okay to use in the coop along with shavings? I have 6 pekins and with them coming in and out of the pool and pooping and drinking I think it might be easier to clean. Plus, I would think it would be ideal on their feet and legs?
Good Monday Everyone.

I had a flock of 4 (1 drake and 3 ducks,) that I got late last September. I purchased 6 more (1 drake & 5 ducks) early March. I put them next to each other for about 6 weeks after the little ones were 5 weeks old. About 10 days ago I tried putting them together hoping to form one flock. Sadly the older drake got so aggressive I thought it was best to give away him and his best girlfriend. Our vet had a very lonely Muskovy so I gave them to her. I couldn't have gotten rid of the other two ducks ... they are my favorites of the older group.
They hang together and the young Cayuga is now driving them off. The younger WH female started out chasing them off also but she's calmed down a bit. Do any of your have any ideas on how to get them all together? The older KC seems determined to join together but the older Pekin is a bit timid and gets afraid and leaves the group.
The group are a bit of a motely crew. The older two are a female KC and a Pekin. The younger group are a Pekin female, a female Cayuga, two female Runners and a female and male WH.

I still feel a bit guilty about getting rid of the drake and his girlfriend but I was afraid he'd get them in a corner and hurt them or hurt one of the younger girls. I'm sure the vet will give them a good home.

Any ideas or should I just be patient? Thanks.
Would rubber mats be okay to use in the coop along with shavings? I have 6 pekins and with them coming in and out of the pool and pooping and drinking I think it might be easier to clean. Plus, I would think it would be ideal on their feet and legs?

I used a rubber mat for a while with my ducks. It didn't seem to bother them, just make sure its got some grooves or ribs or something that won't get too slick when it gets wet. The shavings should help because they will stick to it some. It did make the box a lot easier to clean, and protected the plywood underneath it too. When I did a full clean-out, I could just lift the mat out and dump it, and hose it off. My ducks didn't use the box, so it became my chicken coop, and the rubber mat is still in there, doing a great job.
Good Monday Everyone.

I had a flock of 4 (1 drake and 3 ducks,) that I got late last September.    I purchased 6 more (1 drake & 5 ducks) early March.   I put them next to each other for about 6 weeks after the little ones were 5 weeks old.    About 10 days ago I tried putting them together hoping to form one flock.   Sadly the older drake got so aggressive I thought it was best to give away him and his best girlfriend.  Our vet had a very lonely Muskovy so I gave them to her.    I couldn't have gotten rid of the other two ducks ... they are my favorites of the older group.  
They hang together and the young Cayuga is now driving them off.   The younger WH female started out chasing them off also but she's calmed down a bit.    Do any of your have any ideas on how to get them all together?    The  older KC seems determined to join together but the older Pekin is a bit timid and gets afraid and leaves the group.  
The group are a bit of a motely crew.   The older two are a female KC and a Pekin.   The younger group are a Pekin female, a female Cayuga, two female Runners and a female and male WH.

I still feel a bit guilty about getting rid of the drake and his girlfriend but I was afraid he'd get them in a corner and hurt them or hurt one of the younger girls.    I'm sure the vet will give them a good home.

Any ideas or should I just be patient?   Thanks.

Patience - treats, too.
Not sure, however we hand raised our's so they are friendly.. We have silver Swedish.
Here are the spoiled brat's when they were young..
Also, our girl Lauren gives us just as many egg's as our chicken does.. This photo is of our chicken flock egg's.. Then jumbo quail with the chocolate speckled ones, along with wild dove egg's & finally at the bottom a duck egg..

Cute ducklings. I've been blowing my eggs out to use shells for crafts. We have quail, ducks, chickens and a goose. My chickens, female quail, and goose are friendly. Not my ducks. And one of those females is loud and neurotic:)
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Actually they are all 4 about the same size.  I was looking at that yesterday, hoping for some clues!  They are not making this easy on me!  lol
that is cute. It is all on their own time. Hopefully tho you will know in the next week or so since youngins grow so quickly.
Not sure what to tell you. I am having some similar issues with all my ducks. I think patience is the key.
With my muscovies, I started with a drake and 2 hens, added 6 ducklings which turned out to be 3 hens, 3 drakes. The 2 groups did not mix. Added 1 more hen. Then the old drake died. 2 of the drakes are good friends. They hang with all the hens but 1. She was always by herself but now she has accepted the lone drake. Added 2 more hens who hang by themselves.

I have 16 other ducks of whom 11 hang out together. This group is made up of 3 Cayuga (1 hen, 2 drakes), 4 blue swedish hens, 3 buff orp hens and a kc hen. I then have 3 buff orp drakes, 2 which hang by themselves or with the muscovies and 1 stays with the chickens. And last but not least a pair of Pekins who dont really want to hang with anyone. But if he gets a chance at 1 of the other hens he takes it. And Cayuga drakes come and have their way with the Pekin hen also when the chance presents itself.
I dont think there will be only 1 flock of each. I think it is what it is. Now I have hens on their clutches and it will all change again.

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