The Duck Thread

They are comical, I didn't know if other breeds besides Muscovy do this, since I only have that breed but they really do look funny standing stalk still looking rather pathetic. If it's just raining normal they go about their business like nothing was going on.
That is so cute. Funny characters, Miss Lydia.
This made me giggle. The first time my ducks experienced rain, I had just put them in their enclosure and walked in the house to do dishes or something. I looked out there a minute later to find a downpour and my ducks running around like, "Ahhh! Too much! Turn it off turn it off!!" Silly ducks.

That's the way mine were too, running around and sort of freaking out. Of course then I showed up with my giant umbrella and really scared the bejeesus out of them! Ducks do not like umbrellas. I was trying to heard them back to their house since it was storming so bad and they ran like the dickens to get away from me. Then Deliah got separated from the others and went under a pine tree. I feel bad for scaring them so much, but Deliah was so cute when I went back for her. She was crouched under the tree with her neck stretched out, trying to be as small and flat as possible. Poor baby was in scared duckling mode, I think. Anyway, I no longer use my umbrella around them and now try to put them in the pen before any major weather happens, just to be safe.
That's the way mine were too, running around and sort of freaking out. Of course then I showed up with my giant umbrella and really scared the bejeesus out of them! Ducks do not like umbrellas. I was trying to heard them back to their house since it was storming so bad and they ran like the dickens to get away from me. Then Deliah got separated from the others and went under a pine tree. I feel bad for scaring them so much, but Deliah was so cute when I went back for her. She was crouched under the tree with her neck stretched out, trying to be as small and flat as possible. Poor baby was in scared duckling mode, I think. Anyway, I no longer use my umbrella around them and now try to put them in the pen before any major weather happens, just to be safe.

LOL...I can just picture it. I'm glad you shared this so I'll know just to wear my raincoat & no umbrellas. My ducks are 5 weeks old today and they haven't yet been out in the rain. Seeing their first little bird freaked them out. The little bird landed inside our play/pool area when I was supervising swim time. Ducks & bird got real still and then bird flew away. Ducks came running toward me like, Eeek, what was that, mom?!
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LOL...I can just picture it. I'm glad you shared this so I'll know just to wear my raincoat & no umbrellas. My ducks are 5 weeks old today and they haven't yet been out in the rain. Seeing their first little bird freaked them out. The little bird landed inside our play/pool area when I was supervising swim time. Ducks & bird got real still and then bird flew away. Ducks came running toward me like, Eeek, what was that, mom?!

Hahahaha, that's an interesting sight to watch
My female muscovy has started laying on her eggs alot. She had hid one of her eggs and by the time i noticed it she had made a nest for it and would barely get out of her house. Shes also not been around any males, is this a normal thing that all females do?
My female muscovy has started laying on her eggs alot. She had hid one of her eggs and by the time i noticed it she had made a nest for it and would barely get out of her house. Shes also not been around any males, is this a normal thing that all females do?
Yes, it is a normal thing for female Muscovy. They are the most broody of all ducks. They will sit on eggs irrespective of them being fertile or otherwise.
Will drakes attempt to mate other drakes? I have 3 Rouen (only 1 has a drake feather) 3 Peking (not 100% on gender but 1 is obviously lager) and 2 Khaki Campbell (no clue on their gender, but I am in denial over the slight green hue on their heads). While enjoying free range of the yard one of the KC was playing in the water tub when one of the peking grabbed its neck and then proceeded to chase it around the yard. Just cant to figure out how many hens & drakes we have.

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