The Duck Thread




The littles enjoying our puddle this morning
"the littles". So cute.
At least someone is enjoying all this flooding! It's insane but my ducks are super happy and I don't even have to fill up their pool for a while. I dumped their 60 gal stock tank on Sat and its overflowing today from all the rain!


This made me giggle. The first time my ducks experienced rain, I had just put them in their enclosure and walked in the house to do dishes or something. I looked out there a minute later to find a downpour and my ducks running around like, "Ahhh! Too much! Turn it off turn it off!!" Silly ducks.
It looks like an attribute of Muscovy. One of my male actually doesn't like water at all. He enters the bath and in less than a minute he's out, and like you said when it comes to rain it's another issue.
They are comical, I didn't know if other breeds besides Muscovy do this, since I only have that breed but they really do look funny standing stalk still looking rather pathetic. If it's just raining normal they go about their business like nothing was going on.
Mine don't like heavy rain they stand stalk still and look like yard ornaments.
Lol! I bet they are easy to get pics of.

That's exactly what mine did last night!  We had a really hard storm and wild lightening!  And they just stood there!!  I thought, 'you crazy ducks, get on the porch'... but nooooo. 
Thunder and lightning don't seem to bother mine. They will all perk up and stand straight up and then go back to what they are doing. I'm scared that the lighting will hit the water somewhere close and they will get hurt. I almost brought them in because we were getting tornados but thankfully none were that close.
It looks like an attribute of Muscovy. One of my male actually doesn't like water at all. He enters the bath and in less than a minute he's out, and like you said when it comes to rain it's another issue.
Lol! How funny!

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