The Duck Thread

If he's talking diapers and portable pools, he's getting serious.   I imagine he'll also be taking a crate.   I can just see the other truckers remarks about his cab mate!! :lau     I think you will get to year 42.   It just takes some work and tolerance.   I do find the tolerance difficult at times but after gritting my teeth, I manage.    Looking forward to those photos of Todd.    Yeah, I think Dave wished my neighbor had never introduced me to ducks!   Once I duck-sat her ducks, I got hooked.
The dumping of animals has always boggled me, but, I'm living the ducks. I'm not really a bird person, with now, the exception of ducks. I had no idea of the personalities they each possess!!! They family dynamics of my flock amazes me every day. Even my dogs have begun watching duck TV! As for Todd taking a duck otr, that's gonna be interesting!!! Taking one of my babies, that might be the one thing I don't tolerate!
Can duckling go in the same brooder as the chicks or is that a bad idea

Really depends on your setup, but ducklings are messy, messy, messy! Wet everywhere, poop everywhere, food everywhere! And ducklings need higher protein feed than chicks... but it can be done, and I'm sure many folks do it.
HELP! My 1 1/2 year old Peking female duck was trampled by my horse on Saturday. She has slowly improved since Saturday but I'm still worried about her. I'm not sure if something is broken but she is definitely hurt. Her right side is perfectly fine but she uses her wing to support her left side. When she lays down she doesn't tuck the left leg under her, she leaves it out. It isn't swollen and she doesn't quack or act like it hurts when you touch her leg or wing area. She just won't walk on the leg. I've been putting her in some water daily and she uses her left leg like a "Nemo fin". She isn't eating very much at all and is barely drinking. We are giving her infant ibuprofen. What do you think the injury could be and how can we help? I cannot afford a vet right now.

Oooo that's no fun.. Well not sure on medications for duck's & if you can't afford a vet.. Then take the injured leg and tape it to her body. Like she would keep it, in a lying position.. She won't be able to move very muck.. So put her in a kennel, & cover the kennel. Have her water and food, favorite food with a little brags in her water, electrolytes ect.. Don't let her move about, & check for any lacerations.. Duck's are quick to heal. Keep us posted..
The dumping of animals has always boggled me, but, I'm living the ducks. I'm not really a bird person, with now, the exception of ducks. I had no idea of the personalities they each possess!!! They family dynamics of my flock amazes me every day. Even my dogs have begun watching duck TV! As for Todd taking a duck otr, that's gonna be interesting!!! Taking one of my babies, that might be the one thing I don't tolerate!
I'm so with you about the dumping of any animal. It's so cruel. We are sure this is what happened to our Toulouse goose too. I'm still on hold about liking ducks. We bought 3 adults from an old man who runs a feed store of sorts here. Thought they were mallards til I put up a pic here and learned they are Welch Harlequins. We have 2 females and a drake and now 3 babies. My momma duck I call Neurotica bc she is just that-neurotic as all get out-loud and crazy.The others are quiet. But the daily mess, the flies-I had no clue all this comes with having ducks. I don't have these issues at all with my chickens, goose or quail. They are all 6 here to stay now, but just not sure I'd ever want anymore now that I see how high maintenance ducks are.
HELP! My 1 1/2 year old Peking female duck was trampled by my horse on Saturday. She has slowly improved since Saturday but I'm still worried about her. I'm not sure if something is broken but she is definitely hurt. Her right side is perfectly fine but she uses her wing to support her left side. When she lays down she doesn't tuck the left leg under her, she leaves it out. It isn't swollen and she doesn't quack or act like it hurts when you touch her leg or wing area. She just won't walk on the leg. I've been putting her in some water daily and she uses her left leg like a "Nemo fin". She isn't eating very much at all and is barely drinking. We are giving her infant ibuprofen. What do you think the injury could be and how can we help? I cannot afford a vet right now.

One other thing, when taping to her body you can use a maxi pad, yes a maxi pad.. They don't stick & keep the strip on the tape part. You don't want to have to rip off tape from her wings, at least not to mush tape.. AND keep her wing's out from under the tape.. You will need someone to help hold her.. Her beak if fine right?
Well, there are a host of things that could be going on, as you know.  This could include internal organ damage, bleeding, broken bones, damaged nerves.  I understand the vet affordability problem.

So, here are some things I would try.

Epsom salt compresses - on the leg twice daily.

Keep up with the swims - in lukewarm water.  Continue to monitor how she moves - try to note what kind of progress she is making.

Put a little T-Relief on the leg at night.

If I think of anything else, I will let you know. I might make a very weak comfrey tea (just a pinch in 8 ounces of hot water and let it cool) and give that to her once or twice.  Please do your research before you do, though - you need to be comfortable with whatever you try.

I should be online for another hour or so, I am praying for you both.

I like the comfrey tea idea.. & Epsom salt compress..
If there is broken bones then she would be able to feel that, it could be a sprained leg? Then the sling tape would help..
If there is internal damage she will only last for 4-5 days if that.. Plus she said she was getting a little better.. But not eating is NOT a
good sign.. & nerve damage, well there is nothing she would be able to do about that but surgery..
Blood coming from her nose not good, or if her bill was injured that could be why she is not eating..
The human might need some relaxing tea after that ordeal..
Oh what it T-relief??

Standing on the hurt leg and not using her wing!!

Oh she looks great.. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup
I'm so with you about the dumping of any animal. It's so cruel. We are sure this is what happened to our Toulouse goose too. I'm still on hold about liking ducks. We bought 3 adults from an old man who runs a feed store of sorts here. Thought they were mallards til I put up a pic here and learned they are Welch Harlequins. We have 2 females and a drake and now 3 babies. My momma duck I call Neurotica bc she is just that-neurotic as all get out-loud and crazy.The others are quiet. But the daily mess, the flies-I had no clue all this comes with having ducks. I don't have these issues at all with my chickens, goose or quail. They are all 6 here to stay now, but just not sure I'd ever want anymore now that I see how high maintenance ducks are.
Do you enjoy your geese? These here are wild ones that were forcibly domesticated (not by me and dumped here)(pinioned). I've wanted to get a pair, but want to do some more research. I'm lucky to have a large pond and some land, so there's plenty of room. Flies are an issue here too and I'm looking into fly predators. Because my flick free roams, my upkeep is mainly in the winter. This year they learned to climb snow!!!! Geese are definitely next though. In my flock there's Peep (white mallard? My avatar) Big Momma jumbo pekin, 3 of peeps duck babies, 1 pekin mystery cross drake, 5 Cayuga x Swedish blue babies (sex undetermined) 2 chocolate runner x mallard and 4 Canadian geese. (4 dogs, 4rabbits
and a partridge in a pear tree!) and Neurrotica, love that!
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