The Duck Thread

I know it did once. More than that, no idea. That being said, handy to have to go around the duck areas with.
I have a magnet on a long handle my dh bought for me from Harbor freight I am always surprised at what I find after the chickens have been scratching under the wood shed. I always come up with metal and most looks like it has been in the ground for many years. Plus we had some construction done back in late spring and I have picked up screws and nails from that project even though I promised bodily harm if any one didn't pick up after themselves. They actually did a pretty good job of picking up.
Kaessa hope you lil one will be okay.
Well today four of the ancona crew and our pekin went to our friend down the road. Marshmallow the pekin will be the guard duck
He was so happy to get the ducks. They are joining his two existing Anconas. Boy I'll tell ya, it was hard to see them go even though they are only a five minute drive away and I can see them whenever I want. But at the same time oh it is nice having the brooders less crowded. Two more ancona go to the lady we got our original five ducks from because she will swap us for muscovies. She needed two ancona female and I need three muscovy females. Win win! That will leave us with two girl ancona of our own still :)

Also today my dad and his wonderful girlfriend stopped by so they got to meet willow and wobbles the muscovies. They were very impressed with how friendly they are. Followed us through the entire yard and laid in the driveway by us while we gabbed. Boy i'm glad they didn't show up thirty minutes earlier when I was elbow deep in duck poop cleaning brooders

Not much coop progress the last couple of days and tomorrow I turn another year older (31 eek) so probably not much progress tomorrow either...ah well.
Happy Birthday youngin!!! lol and sounds like you found great homes for your Anconas and so close too that is awesome. Marshmallow must be in drake heaven.
Happy Birthday youngin!!! lol and sounds like you found great homes for your Anconas and so close too that is awesome. Marshmallow must be in drake heaven.
;) Thank you! I decided rather than doing anything special we should get some coop work done and I would just hang out with my ducks. Hey, not a bad way to spend a birthday!

We got an update on the ducks that left yesterday. They are doing good! He must of had some escape the pen or the box they rode home in because he said boy these ones are fast. He really likes Marshmallow.
;) Thank you! I decided rather than doing anything special we should get some coop work done and I would just hang out with my ducks. Hey, not a bad way to spend a birthday!

We got an update on the ducks that left yesterday. They are doing good! He must of had some escape the pen or the box they rode home in because he said boy these ones are fast. He really likes Marshmallow.
That makes you feel better knowing they are doing good. How could you not love a Pekin they are always smiling.
;) Thank you! I decided rather than doing anything special we should get some coop work done and I would just hang out with my ducks. Hey, not a bad way to spend a birthday!

We got an update on the ducks that left yesterday. They are doing good! He must of had some escape the pen or the box they rode home in because he said boy these ones are fast. He really likes Marshmallow.
Happy birthday!!! Glad to hear they are doing well. It's always nice to know you can go visit too.
How cute!

Oakley and Pogo having some snuggle time with dad in the garden today

They found their kale plant. We planted normal kale and dinosaur kale, neither of us like the dino kale so it was designated duck kale haha. They love it.

Pretty sure we have a boy(pogo) and a girl (oakley). Oakley quacks for sure.
How cute! Oakley and Pogo having some snuggle time with dad in the garden today They found their kale plant. We planted normal kale and dinosaur kale, neither of us like the dino kale so it was designated duck kale haha. They love it. Pretty sure we have a boy(pogo) and a girl (oakley). Oakley quacks for sure.
Adorable, I wish my hubby would hold the ducks, well duck. They got ksle plants in the garden too.
My WH ducks have stopped laying eggs. Is this unusual for a duck to do this? My mama duck quit laying after her ducklings hatched but that was months ago & she's not laid an egg since. Now both girls have stopped. We still have the 3 kids in the pen but gosh they are close to adult size now. I still can't tell what their genders are, but at what age does a duck usually start laying eggs? Is this common with WH? I read they are on the endangered list. Could this be a reason why?
Here's a pic of all 6 of them. My seniors are my drake and 2 hens.If anyone can tell me how many males vs females they see in this pic, it would be most appreciated and helpful.Thanks

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