The Duck Thread

There's a preference you can set in your profile to be notified when you're quoted. You want to look to see if that's enabled.

I think you meant SAHM, not SHAM. Congratulations for being one!

I think I've heard that 12-14 thing before but can't remember the rationale behind it if there was one. There's no reason you can't candle on those specific days.

What's a SAHM?
I have it checked because I get emails saying I was quoted or received an ovation, I got 4 earlier. No rhyme or reason why I dont. Its very sporadic.

Yes stupid auto correct! And idk if congratulations are in order! I dont have little ones so I am stuck in the movie Groundhog Day!

I think it was something about lights shining and some stage of development. Should I candle tonight? 10pm starts day 7
No, I see what you mean now about the notifications. You get them until you visit again. That's to prevent you from being flooded with emails every time anyone posts anything, so you could call it "working as intended."

There's nothing wrong with you candling them tonight/tomorrow. Just be gentle when you do it and don't move the eggs more than necessary for that. You'll be able to tell by now if there's anything going on with them or if they aren't fertile.
Thanks!  I never get those things on my own.  I saw DH so much here when I first joined.  I finally asked someone what that was, too.

Hoping you have a successful hatch!  :fl

OMG I got a notification! Yea it took me awhile to figure that one out too. I looked at the abbreviation list in the learning center.
Thanks! 6 days down 22 more to go :(
I never thought to look for such a list.  :)    I just read through it.  My favorite is: CBOF - [COLOR=333333]Cantankerous Bag Of Feathers.  LOL[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]It'll be here before you know it![/COLOR]

LMAO! Thats funny! Never heard that one before. I had to ask what a freeloader was. Ends up I have 5 of those! They decided my nests weren't good enough so they are laying in the woods.
This is so sad and just frustrating. First my bantam goes missing, then my ducklings get killed, this morning just two hrs after letting them out one of my dorkins was floating dead in the pond and right now my husband has come back from putting all the birds in the coop for the night and he says one of my muscovy females is missing

What the heck is going on :( :( :( :(

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