The Duck Thread

Don't wait. This duck needs medical attention now. Poor little critters don't understand that their pain is temporary and they can look forward to feeling better (hopefully) with appropriate care, but the longer you wait, the longer this duck will suffer and the less chance of survival she has.
I moved my limper into a small secure coop and it looks like he has a tiny scratch on his wing but the other one won't let me pick her up. I will try and get some vitamins and electrolytes and to get him to the vet. He was sitting up earlier but whenever he stands he falls backwards.
you need to check your one that won't let you pick it up over really good to in case of wounds that need to be washed out and something put on them, all wounds need to be cleaned real good and some kind of antibiotic salve put on but nothing with pain relief in it. Neo or triple antibiotic is good or Veterycin [found at TSC or online ] betadine /watered down to look like weak tea or iodine done the same way. sounds like your duck that is falling over has some injuries that might be life threatening. I'd put this one in a donut towel, take a towel and wrap it to look like a donut then put your duck into it so it can't fall over it's kind of like a nest. being right on the bottom of the tub gives it no traction at all and can damage it's legs if it tries to walk. I hope it will be okay.
Thank you all for your help. I do not know what got them. I'm actually out of town so Im trying my best to have my mom who's watching them take him to a vet and get the vitamins. Again thank you all for your help.!
we have 8 chickens and 5 ducks. The Chickens are 17 weeks and past 2 days I have got 2 eggs from them. Today went out to the coop and found another egg but its a bit bigger. is this a Duck egg? I have 3 hens, 2 KC's and one Mallard they are 20 weeks. here are the pictures comparing them.

i think u might have 3 chicken eggs
My mom took my limper to the vet and sadly he said he had a neurological issue and it would not heal so he put him down.

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