The Duck Thread

Our ducks used to go into coop but must of hated it because I would then spend up to an hour wrestling them into coop.

I've found my ducks are very easy to get in their quarters for the night. For the winter, they're going up a 8' ramp into their end of the chicken coop that is 3' off the ground. They seem to be very easy to herd. Now the chickens, they're another matter!
My chickens go in on their own, probably why they were safe last night. I went out back to shut coop door and only one duck was walking around.
My chickens go in on their own, probably why they were safe last night. I went out back to shut coop door and only one duck was walking around.

Sorry for your loss. I lost my drake last fall to a weasel, I think. The gals were laying in the nest next to his dead body. So sad. Hope you don't lose anymore. I was so afraid, and am still, of 'whatever' coming back. I have my yard area fenced in 5' high, electric fence and 1/2" hardware cloth around the 3' base. Don't know what much else I can do to make the area secure other than glass walls and ceiling.
so my drake and my female are a couple and im going to let them have babies but ive seen them mate and well my drake doesn't exactly get it right (meaning he doesn't get in the spot)
does anyone know why? sorry if this is a weird question but I don't know who else to ask
so my drake and my female are a couple and im going to let them have babies but ive seen them mate and well my drake doesn't exactly get it right (meaning he doesn't get in the spot)
does anyone know why? sorry if this is a weird question but I don't know who else to ask
Sometimes if it is not quite mating season, or he is not quite mature, a drake won't get the deed done.

Then one day, it all sorts itself out.
Sorry for your loss. I lost my drake last fall to a weasel, I think. The gals were laying in the nest next to his dead body. So sad. Hope you don't lose anymore. I was so afraid, and am still, of 'whatever' coming back. I have my yard area fenced in 5' high, electric fence and 1/2" hardware cloth around the 3' base. Don't know what much else I can do to make the area secure other than glass walls and ceiling.
thanks and sorry for your loss. Problem is that it's middle of winter right now. Cannot put anything into ground until it thaws. I do have the nite guard out there now. followed the tracks today and it appears to me like a fox. no clue how a fox could of carried that fat duck of mine. I have brought my dogs out more frequently now, did not let chickens or duck out of coop today. gave them extra treats though! not to mention it was -20 with wind chill today. trying to do all I can until ground thaws out. husband wants to put up 6 foot wooden fence around the pen in the spring. I thought maybe coyote but whole in fencing didn't seem big enough. then thought maybe fisher cat. definitely not a bobcat.
thanks and sorry for your loss. Problem is that it's middle of winter right now. Cannot put anything into ground until it thaws. I do have the nite guard out there now. followed the tracks today and it appears to me like a fox. no clue how a fox could of carried that fat duck of mine. I have brought my dogs out more frequently now, did not let chickens or duck out of coop today. gave them extra treats though! not to mention it was -20 with wind chill today. trying to do all I can until ground thaws out. husband wants to put up 6 foot wooden fence around the pen in the spring. I thought maybe coyote but whole in fencing didn't seem big enough. then thought maybe fisher cat. definitely not a bobcat.

Well, we're cold but not that cold thankfully. 2 degrees this morning and up to 18 today. Yes, you'll have to wait until spring to build something for them. I kept mine in for a while too until I relaxed a bit. I'm always scared to come home to see if all are okay. I have bobcats here too as well as many coyotes and foxes but it seems my problems in the past has been a weasel, coon and opossum; those critters that can get through very small holes and climb over fences, even electric fences!

18° and sunny. We're hanging in the hot tub!

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