The Duck Thread

Help Today is hatch day for my ducks I'm worried that they are dead two days ago they where moving nothing today and Now some of the eggshells are stained black, looking like something that has a water stain so are they dead or should I wait Oh I did have two ducks hatch out two days ago and doing good
Ducklings have their own timetable just because on the calender it's day 28 doesn't mean it is for them, Have you candled? best way to tell what maybe going on. Pick up each egg and smell it too. but I'd dif candle.
Thank you I did candled them no movement and no smell I'm going to try and see if the darkest spotted one is bad by opening it and see what is going on I don't want to but I have to know so the others that are moving will make it I will update you thank you so much for your time
Question: Does anyone have any experience with the Jumbo White Pekins?
Do they still have the same demeanor as standard White Pekins.
I just don't want them to be more like a Cornish cross type chicken then a heritage chicken as far as personality.
We did broad breasted white turkeys once & I hate them. Yes they grew faster, but they were obnoxious, knocking me over for food, & disgusting amounts of poo...
I like the idea of the males being at market weight in 3 months & the girls being excellent layers though...
Thank you I did candled them no movement and no smell I'm going to try and see if the darkest spotted one is bad by opening it and see what is going on I don't want to but I have to know so the others that are moving will make it I will update you thank you so much for your time
Hoping for the best..
Hoping for the best..

Ok Miss Lydia no luck
3 where gone but I do have 2 more that are moving so keep our
I will let you know when they get here the last two are Muscovy's and should be here on Monday or Tuesday this is my first time with ducks
Thank you for all your help
Ok Miss Lydia no luck
3 where gone but I do have 2 more that are moving so keep our
I will let you know when they get here the last two are Muscovy's and should be here on Monday or Tuesday this is my first time with ducks
Thank you for all your help
Aww very sorry, now since these last 2 are Scovy you might want to read this in case you need to change humidity or something.. Look forward to hearing from you.
Oh, question, what breed of duck is this? When I first saw it I thought it was a Buff, but then other photos I've seen of Buff Drakes since didn't really look like him. I've only had ducks a few months now, so still learning. I went to my local flock swap like a month ago with some extra pullets I needed to sell. A woman showed up with her daughters and this pet duck who really needed a mate. She said she had kept putting off rehoming him as she worried he would end up on someone's table. She was really happy when I told her I could give him a home with some girls as a pet. She didn't want money for him, so I gave her some Easter Egger pullets since she wanted to just keep chickens. Anyway, she didn't know what breed he was, just that he was about a year old .
He looks like my Khaki Campbell drake.
I have 4 eggs in the incubator and today is Day 27. One externally pipped sometime last night. Two more pipped while I was at work and one hasn't pipped at all but ALL of them wiggle when I talk to them or shine the flashlight through the glass.

It is soooo hard to wait. I think I've checked (looked through the incubator glass and spoke baby talk) on them 10 times in the last hour!
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Well hopefully I get at least a few ducklings hatched from my first incubation.  The mom in the picture, Tikki, disappeared last night :hit .  I can't find any clues as to where she went.  It doesn't look like there was a fight or anything, so I think she managed to clear the fence and couldn't figure out how to get back over.  Hopefully she is still alive somewhere.  She is a good forager so she could probably do okay out there.

Let's hope she went broody on a hidden clutch.

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