The Duck Thread

Any more suggestions on what exactly this hair loss that is occurring on my 2 week old Cayuga, Mowgli? The other 4 Mallards and 1 other Cayuga (all at the same age) have not had this occur. Thank-you to those in advance for help. :)
deff keep an eye on it to make sure its not something that is spreading to the rest of your babies, or the chance that maybe hes getting picked on by the others for some reason. but I have a some 2 week old cayugas too and the male is starting to bald a bit down there too but it just looks like his feathers are starting to come through?
Thank you this has been a big help next time I'm trying the dry way .
An enormous thank-you to all for the advice. It has been a chilly spring here in MN. So, I am unable to place the ducks into their enclosure outside. I will see to it that they have a bit larger brooder. I will keep updates. Have a great day. :D
Two more questions, roughly how old are ducklings once you purchase them from the Feed Store? Is it six weeks that they spend inside of a brooder, before being planted into their permanent enclosures? Thanks! :)
It depends on how long they were at the store. I believe usually hatcheries ship ducklings as day olds. So add a day to however long they were in the store, plus how long you've had them, of course!
I just put a dozen duck eggs in our new homemade incubator!

What humidity do you seasoned hatchers start with? I have them weighed and marked so I can adjust as things progress, but I'm not sure where to start with the humidity.
Does anybody know if these Peking ducks or male or female

It's really hard to tell from that picture.
Mine were that size long before the drake tail feather came in.
Do you know how old they are?
Girls will QUACK and boys will quack.
By about 3 months it was very clear which were the girls as Pekins are some of the loudest ducks I've ever had.

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