The Duck Thread

Indian runner ducklingIndian runner duckling

Mallard duckling
One of my friends ''found'' a duck egg at the park and gave it to me and I put it in my incubator and 25 days later the mallard egg finally hatched! So I went to Rural King earlier and bought 2 indian runner ducklings so it has buddies of it's own kind and I've been wanting ducks for a long time. I don't know the gender of them yet but I can't wait to let them take there first bath in the new kiddie pool I bought!!! Than soon were gonna get a small pond dug just for them when they get older can't wait!
"I have 5 blue runner ducks. I believe that they are 4/5 weeks old. I know for sure that one of them is female. But as they get older im thinking that the other 4 are all male but not 100% sure. If they are all male with only one female can I keep them all?" Newduckymama

This could be a bad situation for the female. The males are likely to fight over her and exhaust her. The recommended ratio is 1 male to 4-6 females. Recommendations vary a bit depending on the breed, the size of their coop, whether they free range or not, etc. I have 9 female Runners, 2 drake Runners and 1 drake KC/Rouen, all free range during the day and have a 20x9' duckhouse at night - plenty of room yet I still see the drakes squabbling occasionally. I also have friends who have 1 female & 1 male and they are quite content. I'd start looking to rehome some of the drakes or look for duck-
soup recipes.
I have 5 blue runner ducks. I believe that they are 4/5 weeks old. I know for sure that one of them is female. But as they get older im thinking that the other 4 are all male but not 100% sure. If they are all male with only one female can I keep them all?
If you keep them all you would definitely need to add more females. As it is now, the drakes will hurt her in their 'over mating.' We have a similar situation and are trying to re-home to male Pekins.
Love the little moose
Haha, thanks. He does too!

We went to a local hatchery and got a khaki campbell duckling for a playmate. I have to say, 2 days and I am a duck lover.
What size are duck eggs compared to chicken eggs cause i have three in The bator and two if them a around the same size maybe slightly bigger, and then i have one that is noticeably larger by quite a bit im starting to think, that it might be a double yolker, but im not sure, its quite bigger any ideas, (pics would be good:) )
you can ferment their regular feed. It doesn't cost anything, crumbles+water and stir. You've got fermented feed after about 72 hours which has incredible nutritional and health benefits for your duckies.

Can u use layer pellets in stead of crumbles? What sort of ratio mix. I would like todo that for the extra goodies for them and something different

Mom's a blue runner, dad's probably the KC/Rouen mix although I do have 1 white runner and 1 blue runner drakes as well.
For pictures of them go to on the 'meet the family' page. Does anyone know if white runners start out yellow?

Mom's a blue runner, dad's probably the KC/Rouen mix although I do have 1 white runner and 1 blue runner drakes as well.
For pictures of them go to on the 'meet the family' page. Does anyone know if white runners start out yellow?
Yes they do start out yellow turn white.
I have a question - the KC duckling we bought from the hatchery has started doing something kind of like gagging today...? It doesn't make any sound. Just opens up it's beak and sort of pushes its little head forward. Seems like gagging to me. I was wondering if it was panting, but I would think panting would be sort of constant. This is happening every 10-12 seconds or so. So ducky fine and then opening up and gagging. Repeat. Is it okay?

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