The Duck Thread

I don't know if she has accepted them or if she is so used to being stepped on and bullied that she just doesn't care. I do hope she accepts them though. She will be separated from the flock for however long it takes her to heal. Maybe mothering the babies will make the confinement easier for her to bear.
I think she's been a lonely duck and excitedly welcomes the companionship that can't beat her bloody.
can our ducks eat grass there 4 days old
Awww, little littles!

Have they had any grit? They need to be able to "chew." @Miss Lydia takes a chunk of grass with roots and soil (from an area definitely without any poisons or metal or other scary stuff) and gives it to ducklings for grit and greens and fun. I do not recall at what age she starts this, though.
I think she's been a lonely duck and excitedly welcomes the companionship that can't beat her bloody.

I hope so. I wanted Cayuga ducks since I saw pics of the drakes. They are stunning. But I didn't give in to temptation until I saw that Ebony, the only black duck in the flock was an outcast. I used the opportunity to get the Cayugas I wanted as companions for her. I was lucky the way things worked put. She will still be the smallest duck in the flock, but not the only black duck. And if she raises them, they will bond and she will have a family of sorts. It's my hope that by spending so much time with them she adopts them and looks after them. I'd love to see her all healed with ducklings following her around.
I hope so. I wanted Cayuga ducks since I saw pics of the drakes. They are stunning. But I didn't give in to temptation until I saw that Ebony, the only black duck in the flock was an outcast. I used the opportunity to get the Cayugas I wanted as companions for her. I was lucky the way things worked put. She will still be the smallest duck in the flock, but not the only black duck. And if she raises them, they will bond and she will have a family of sorts. It's my hope that by spending so much time with them she adopts them and looks after them. I'd love to see her all healed with ducklings following her around.
me too.
Ebony was the smallest and lowest duck in the pecking order. She is so passive that she wouldn't hurt a fly. She was with a pair of 3 week old goslings during the storm and she did very well with them.

Your duck sounds like my dog! Ruby wants to be the mom of anything smaller then her! She loves bunnies and is crazy about the ducks! And now the ducks are trying to crawl all over her. I keep making her get away, but se inches over and kisses then an stands outside the door to tree room when I put then away!
does anyone know what kind of ducks these are?
I bought a yellow duckling like a month ago nd I thought it was a pekin but its bill wasnt orangish but still though it was maybe a pekin but I notised that its feathers are coming out and they are light brown so what kind is it ill post pics tomoro
I have a 2 week old Pekin who has started crawling rather than walking.... not always but enough to have me worried. This just started yesterday and the duck is HUGE. From my research it appears as if it is Niacin deficiency. I am feeding him/her Purina chick starter (unmedicated) and he is huge. 

Is it enough to add Brewers Yeast or should I actually add Niacin tablets?  How much?

The recommended amount for niacin tab is 100mg/gal of water. Just crush the pill between 2 spoons and stir it in. I wonder if you could do both and give a little brewers yeast with the food as well? With the deficiency I might try it for a couple of days, but I'm no expert and have only ever used the tablets in the water.

Anyone else have a recommendation?

Best wishes for your little duckling.

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