The Duck Thread

I was told by the woman that the white comes in after the mating male has pulled out her feathers!

Oh, reading Cayuga information on Google says the white comes with age. The older the hen the more white. Guess we get to find out which theory is correct. Regardless of how they get the white feathers, its a very stunning look.
Making progress on my duck box! :)
I love the white on her. Wish I knew her age. Either way I got her for companionship not eggs! Only paid $15 too! Lol

We got ours for both. They will be wonderful pets and egg producers all in 1 pretty package. They will get as spoiled as they allow us to make them. Plus they have an adoptive mom in Ebony and she gets same colored companions. I am very happy with how things turned out. The 2 white cresteds have each other and/or can mingle with Ebony and the 3 Cayuga females. And with 6 females the drake should spread his love and not over mate any 1 girl. At least, that's the hope.

An added benefit is how stunning they look. I think that having 4 white Chinese geese, 4 African geese, 2 white crested ducks, 4 Cayugas and Ebony is going to look very nice. So even though living yard decorations isn't a big deal to me, I do love just watching them all. Add in my very mixed flock of chickens and my yard is full of life and activity. My grass has never been so green and neve have I had so few bug problems. I now wish I had more land so I could have more animals, lol.
do Cayuga's lay daily? what color eggs should I expect? I already want another female but have to wait until hubby gets the duck house done!
Well I stopped at the farm today after dr appointment and got our Frick his lady! Meet Mrs. Frick! lol But....Frick still has not left the guarding of the broody hens! not even to come meet his new wife!
Cute pics :) your new girl is beautiful. Maybe Mr. Frick is protesting his arranged marriage. Lol! It will be adorable when he warms up and they start walking around together.
We must agree.. She is stunting!!
We put the chicken coop in lockdown for a bit yesterday to force him to meet his lady! He must of realized her beauty too because it did take long for him to..... Ya know! Haha! And he hasn't gone back to chicken coop since! Ahhhhh! He followed her right into their igloo! Smart lady she is! Wish I got her sooner! They are bonded now!
We put the chicken coop in lockdown for a bit yesterday to force him to meet his lady! He must of realized her beauty too because it did take long for him to..... Ya know! Haha! And he hasn't gone back to chicken coop since! Ahhhhh! He followed her right into their igloo! Smart lady she is! Wish I got her sooner! They are bonded now!

Congrats! I'm glad this arranged marriage has a happy ending!
Haha thank you, us too. Where should I expect to find her eggs? Does she need a nest box like chickens or will she lay where she sleeps? I cannot wait to see that first duck egg. It's a new experience for us!

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