The Duck Thread

nice neat pen,

hm... how would two female ducks do?

Two would be fine, but if you can, I would recommend at least 3. That way if something happens to one you will still have a bonded pair.

ETA - If you fall in love with ducks like we have, you'll want more. So you may want to think about getting a drake for your girls. Then when you're ready or a friend falls in love with them, you can hatch some little rascals. :)
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I think if you want kaki Campbells, you should get welsh harlequin insead. They are prettier and calmer and actually lay better than the campbells.

If you want magpie, look into anconas, they lay well, have similar markings and the anconas are bigger so not as much worry about flying predators.

That's why we got anconas! They don't fly and lay a lot and are great foragers!

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